{ Of the PAssIoN. Sermon 1. them all to theground. ) Hee was content notwith!landing all this, to lay do11me Hu life for m finners. The grearne£le of which love palfeth the tlloh· I5.1 3 greateil: love that man hath: fordgreater low cben this, bath no ma11, but to beftow hu life for bu friend>; whereas, Hee condelcended to lay it downe for Hi! enemies. Even for them that fought His death, to lay downe His life, and to have His bloucl fhed forthcm that did fhed it; to bepierced for His Piercers. Looke how the former In Bumworkethgriefe, conG. dering the great injuries offered to fo great aPerfonage '; So, to temper the griefe of it, this latter In Bumgiveth lomc comfort, that fo great aPeifo11, ihould fo greatly lo-ve us, as,'for our fakes, to endure all thole fo many in. juries, even to thepiercingof His veryheart. · z Secondly, CR..!Jf!icient (that is) CR..!afpicient : Not, once or twice, but of. With Itn:4· tentime.r to look.e upon it :that is(as theProphet faith here) iteratu rvicibtU, tlon,R<AJPICr- to lnok.e azaine mtdagaint : or (as theApoftle faith)~cogitare,to tbink.e upon H~b.1 o.3• ir, owr and owr againe, as it were to dwell in it for a rime. In a fort, with the fi·equentndfe of ~his our beholding it, to fupply the weakeneffe and want of our former attention. Surely, the more il:eadily and more often we IJ1all fixe our eye upon it,the morewe fhall be enured : and being en. ured, the more defire to doe it. For, at every looking, fome new fight will offer it felfe, which will offer unto us occafion,either ofgodlyJorrow,true repentanceJound com{ort,or fome other ref!exion, iffuingfrom the beams of this heavenly mirror. Which point, becaufe it is the chiefe point, the Prophet here calleth usto; even, how to look.e upon CH R 1sT often,and to be thebetter for our looking. It fhall be very agreeable to the Text,and to the Hb L y GH o s T' s chiefe entent; ifwe prove bow, and in how diverfe forts, we may with profit beholdand looke upo11 Him, whom thus we have pierced. . . z R•JPi« & Firil:, then,looking upon Htm,we may bring forth for the firil: effeCl:,tbat tranJJigert. which immediatly followeth this Text it felfe, in this Text, Et plangent Eum : CR..!{pice&plange. Firlt, look.eandlament, ormoume : whichisin· deed the mo!t kind y and •lacuralleffeCl:of fuch afpeCl:acle. Lookeupon Him tl.'tJt is 1 ;imed; andwich looking uponHim,bepierced thy felfe: rJ(e{pice & t-.msjij,m Agood dfeCl: of our firfi looke, if we could bring it forth. At bfl:-\ l~, if we cannot !JV[pice & transfigere, l?ok.e and bepierced; yet that it might be ~)]>ice & comprmgere, that with looking on Him, wee Ads 2 • 37 • might beprickedinour hearts;andhave it enter pa!tthe sk.inne, though it go not cleane through : Which difference in this Verfe, theProphet feemerh to infinnate, when) firfl: hewilleth us to moume, M for one's onely fonne, with whom all islofl:. Or, ifthat cannot be had, tomourne, as for ajirfl begottenfomze; which is, though not fo great, yet a great mourning: even for the firft begotten, though ot!Jerfonnes be left. Ve&u; And, in the next Verfe, ifwe cannot reach to naturall griefe; ycthec ~ifheth us to mourne witha Ci-vill; even with fuch a lamentation,aswas - · made