Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon I. Of the PAssiON• . } made for Iojiar. And rBebold a greater_ then I o s 1 As is here. Ccimming t (as hee) to an honourable deathmbattell; but to a.moll vile deatll n: death of a MalefaElor : And not (as IojiM) dying without any faul~ ~/theil'S; but mangled and maff~crcd in this fhamefull fort,for m;.even for us and our tral~greflwn's. Venly, the du_mbe and fenfeleffe ~reamres had this effeCt wrought in them ( of m.ourmng) at the fight ofHts death ; in their kind farrowing for the murder of the So N NE of Go D. And, wee truly {hall be much more ~enfdeffe then ~hey_, If it have in us no worke eo the like effeCt. Efpec~ally, confidermg It was not forthem, He [[ 1 ffcred all this; nor they no profit by ic_: but, for us it was; and wee by it faved : Andyet, they had compalsion, and wee none. Be this then the firft. Now as the firltis~fince &trans}i{tre, Lcioke upon Him, and be ~ Ref}ittr$_ pierced: rd, the lecond may be (and that·fi.tly) ~JPice & transfige; Look transft~· upon Him , and, pierce : and pierce that in thee, that was the cau{e of c HR 1 s1-'s piercing: (that is) finne and the lulls thereof. Fe-r, as men that arepierced indeed With the griefe ofan indignitie offered, withall are pricked to take re:Ve1!,ge on him that offers it : fuch alike affeCtion ought our fi:cond looking to kindle in us; even to take a wreake, or revenge upon fin ne, quiafe"cit l1oc, becauleit hat_h been the_ca?fe of all ~hi_s. I meane (as the H o Ly GH o s T termeth It ) amortifyll!,gor crucifjmg ; a thrufting thorow of our wicked palsions and concupifcences, in fome kind ofre~ paying thofe manifold villanies , which the So N N E of Go D fuffered bymeanes of them. At leallwife ( as before) if it kindle hot our z..eale [o farre againll jinne; yet, that it may flake our z..ealeand :~ffeCl:ion tofinne: that is, !f.VJPice, m re.JPiciM: !1\,ef}ice CHRIsTuM, ne re.JPiciMpeccatum~ Thanve h;.;e leffe mind,lelTe liking,leffe acquaintance with finne,forrhe Pafsion-lake. Forthat, by this meanes we do in fome fort,fpare CHRtST; and (at leafl) make His wounds noTvider : \Whereas by affecting finne a~ new, we do, what in us lieth, to crucifie Himafrefh, and both increafe the number, and enlargetheTPidene.ffi of HisTvounds• .It is nounreafonable requell:, That, if wee !ill: not wound finne, yeti fcemg CH R 1s T hath ;.yound~ enough,and they wide and deep enough; \Ve fhould forbeare topzerce Him further, and have (at leafl) this fecond fruit of our looki'!,g :1pim Rim : either to looke and topiercefinne; or to looke, andJPare topierce Him any more. . Now,as it wasjinnedlat gave Hini thefe1i?ounds: fo, it was love to 3 ReJi,irr(f_ tis t?at made Him receive them, being otherwife able enoughto have dilsg•, av~nded them all. So that , He waspiercedwith lol!e; nb leffe then with grzefe : and it Was thatTvound oflolie, made Him fo conll:aritly to endure ~I ~he other. ~hich lol!e we inay read in thepalmes ofFlu h~nds (as the atJersexpre[eit,out of Efa. 49· 16.) For,intheP11lmeso[Hlsbands,He Hh3 - ~~~tf!.