Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

. ~ 350 {. Ofthr:PAssiON. Sermo 114 • ----– the one northe oth« : but is even as. He were an om-cafl both of Heaven :md Earth. Now verily an heavie cafe,and worthy to be put in this book of Lamentations. Ciutms _ I demand then, Of 1'Pl•om j}eaketi> the Prop/;et t/;_id Of !>imfelfe, or of (omplflinr, Jomeether! This Ifinde ; there is not any of the anctent Wnters, but doe apply,yea,inamanner appropriate this lpeech to our Saviour CHR 1ST: And that this very day, the day of His Pafsion, (truly term_e.d herethed~ of Goos 1'Prat/;:) And whercloever they treat of rhe Palswn, ever this verfe coriuneth in. And(to fay the truth)to take the words llrictly as they iie, they canndf agree, or be verified of any but of Him 1 and Him onif. For, though fome other, not unfidy, may bee allowed to fay the fame words: it mull: be in aqualified fenfe: for, ~n full ~nd perfect propriety of fpeech, He,and none but He: None can lay, (netrher Ieremte, nor any other) Si fuerit dolorJicllt dolar meJU,as c; HR 1sT can: No day ofwrath, !ike to His day : no forrowto bee compared to Hts (all are fl10n of it;) nor His to any 1 ic exceedeth them all. And yet, according to the letter, it cannot be denied, but they beler downe by leremy, in thepetfon of his owne people, being then cometo greatmilety; and of the holy Citie, then laid waite, and defolate by the Hof.u.r'. Chaldees. What then? E."< Aigyptorvoca1Ji Filium mettm,Out ofL'Egypt have I called my Sonne, was literally fpoken of this people_too : yet is by the Ewngelift applied to ourSaviour CH R 1sT. My Goo, nry Goo, ll>I>J Marrh.z.r~. haft thou forjaken me~ at the firll: uttered by 'Da1Jid; yet the fame words Pfal.... t. our SAv 1 ouR taketh Himlelfe, and that more truly and properly,th•n Matt.•7· 4 6 • everDa'l>idcould : and ofthole of:Da1Jids, and ofiheleofleremies, thereis one and the lamereafon. Of all which the ground is, that correlpondence which is berweene 1 Cor.:~~: CH R1ST andthePatriarcl;s, Prophets, and people before CH R 1sT, of of whom the ..ApQftles rule is,Omnia ill figurJ. contingebant ill~ ·That they were them[elves Types, and their Cufferings, forerunningfigures of the great fuffering of the SoNN E of Goo. Which inaketh lfaak.s offe– ring, and Io[eph Jelling, and Ifraels ~ailing from L'Egypt, and that corn· plaint of 'Da1Jids, and this of leremies, appliable to Him; That He may take them to Himlelfe, and the Church alcribethem to Him, and that in more fitndfe of termes,and more fulneffe oftruth,than they were at the firll fp<!ken by 'Da1Jid, or Ieremy, or any of them all. And this rule, and the fl:eppes of the fathers proceeding by this rule, are to me a warranttoexpoundand apply this Verfe (as they haved_one before) to the pre(em occafiou of this time; which requireth fome luch Scripture to be confidered by us, as doth belong to His Pafsion,who,tht< Day 1 powred out His moll: precious Bloud, as the onely ltlfficientPrice,of the deare purchafe of all ourRedemption.;. . Bee it then to us, (as to them it was, and as moft properly it is) The fpe~ch of the SoN N E of Coo, a~t.this day hanging on the Croffe, toa fort