Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 2. Of the PASs IoN. } fort of q.rdelfe people, that goeup and downe without any manner of retardofthefi: Hts forrowesand fuifen~gs,fo worthy of all regard.Have yee no regald? a aDyee that paffi b~ the'lVay' c Ollfider 411dbehold' if e)> er there 'll>ere farrow like to my forr~w, 1Vbtcb W"!' doa!: unto me,'lVberwmh the Lorda(- fliBerlmeilztbedayof.thejierceneffiof Hu'lVratb• . , . . . ·. Here is aComplamt, and here IS a IJ?..equeft. Acompla11tt, that We have Thqiaru, not: A (/{!quefl, that we would have the Paines andPafsious of our Sa; 'l>iour c HR In in fome !J.Vgard. For firil He complaineth (and noc wichour caufe) Hal!e yee rw regard? And then (aswilling to forger their former negleCl:, fo they will yet doe ir) He fal!eth to intreacpconfiderand ~! ' And what is chat we fhould confided TheSorroww hicrhHefuffe– reth: and mit two things : The~ality , and the Cmrfe. 1. 'I he JJ.!!,ality, Si fuerit ficut; If ever the like 'lVere: andthat eaher in refpeCl:of 'Dol~r,or Dolornwu, The Sorrow fi.tffered, or the Perion fuffe ing. 2., T heCaufe: that is Go DJ that in Hi.nvrat!J, in His fierce 'lVrath, cloth all thisto Him. '\Jilhich caule will not leave us, rill it have led us to anerher caufe in our fclves,and to another yet in Him : All which ferve to ripen usto!J{fgard. Thefe two then fpeciallyweearemovedroregard. 1. !Jtegardi;che maine point. But becauferhereforewe regardbur faintly, becaule either we confider nor,or not aright; we are called eo co>ifider ferioufly ofthem: AsifHe fhould fay, r]{fgardyoti nor ? If you did confider, you would : if you confidered as you fhould, you \-Vould regardas you ought. Certainly the PafSion, if it were throughlyconfidered, would be duly regarded. Confider tben. . So thePoints are two : I The~ality,andrhe • Caufe ofHis fuffering. And the Duties two : I ToCo1tjider, and (}{_egard 1 :i So to confider, that we regardrhem, and Htm for rhem. ~·~~m~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~.~~~~w~~~~~~~~S23~5E&i~l(';&~ Hal!eyee no regard, &c. TO eafe rhis Complaint; and ro grant rhis !Jtequeflj we are to regard: · and rha: we may regard; we are toconfider the paines ofHis Pa(Si– on. Whtch> that we may reckon no eafie common matter of Iiaht moment, to doe or nor to doe, as we !ill ; Firll a aenerall !l:ay is mad;of I. II. r rr. IV. r ; all palli h' d F · f 'H·°C ,rr;, . The P~rtics cngers, ~ IS ay. or, (as1rwere rom ts ro 11 e)dochourSa1'1- ro rrhom. our addrelfe th1s His fpeech ro them char goe to and fro rhe day of His 0 all ye that 'Paflion, Without fomuch as entertaininga rhouahc orvo~chfafina a look patfe ·b~~~he that \V a 0 • rji 0 ) tl' W iiJ'onjiUer. 'der Y· rvos qut tran ttii! 0 you chat pajJe by the 'll><ry, flay andConfi- · rh · To them framer~ He His fpe'ech, that palfeby : To them, and to C e,~ all,O '1ios om11es,qm trmzjitis 0 an yechat palfe by the way, fiay and . onJ1der. ' Which