; l54 ' { OfthePASslON. Sermon1,, - Sy,.., 1 s.s 7 • Soulc of Sorrowand Paine is the Soules Sorrow and Paine. Give mea 1 iy !'r<:),l~,J+ griefe, [~11e the griefe ~~them~nd, fai~h theWife-~~n : F~r (faithSalomon) The Jpmt of aman 'll11ll fuflame alllm otl1er mfirmltles, but a"WoundedJpirit _ 'D!bsca11 be11re~ And of this, this ofHisSoule, l dare make a,Cafe,Si fi1~ erit ficut. - , Ioh.'li.27; -- He began to 'be troubled inSoule,(faith·St.lobn:) To be in a11 agony,• (raith ~k,~;;~1s. hSt.Luk.Hie_; )[cTo 1 be in angduijhb ofmind and dfieedpe ~ifl:eJJe,d(fai~hJSSt. Marke.) To ~t·~6,~8. ave s ou e roun a out on every 1 e mv~rone ~It 1 orrow, and - thatSorrow to tke death. Here is tronble, mzguijh, agome, J arrow and dead. lyforrow: But, it muG: be fuch,as never the like : So it was too. ·The dlimate whereof we may take from thefecpnd word of Me/. t.uk;~?;4+ ting, that is, from His fweat in tht: Garden; O:range, and the like whereof was never heard orfeene. L - NomannerviolencedferedHimin body; ncimantouchingHim,or being nc:er Him; in a cold night (for they were faine to have a fire wirh. in doores) lying abroad in theaire, and upon the cold earth, to beallofa fwtat, and that (weat to.be'13loud. and not as they call it, :Diaphareticus,a thin faint fweat, but Grumofus, bf great Drops; and thofe, fo many,lo plenteous, as they went throug~ His. apparell and all; and through all, fheamed t~the wound, andthat~~ great abundance: Read, enquire,and -Confider, S1 fumt fudor, ficutfudor ifte; If ever there were j1veat like this fweat of His~ Never the like fweat certainly, and therefore never the like Sorrow. Our_tranOation is, 'Done unto me: but we faid, the word proper, ly fignifieth (and fo St. Hierome and the[haldeeParaphrafl read it) Mrlted 'me. And truly idhould feeme by thisfearfullfweat of His He was neere fome fornace, the feeling whereof, was able to caO: .Flim into that fiveat, and to turne His {weat intodreps of bloud. And fure it was fo : For fee, even in the very nextwords of all to this verfe, He complaineth of it, {g- ~~rf~ _g; nem mijit in o(Si_bus meu, That afire wasfent into Hi! bones which melted Him, and made that bloudyfweat to diftill from Him. That houre,whar His feelings werc:,it is dangerous to define : we know them not,wemay be: too bold to determine of them. To very good purpofc it was,that the ancient Fathers of theGreeke Church in their Liturgie,afterthey havere– counted all the particular Paines,as they are [et downe in His Pafion,and by all, and by every one of them, called for mercie; doe, after all fhm up ;ru1 with this,"l"'~"""'-, ,.,;;,'!)'"'"'~''-''""" '!)""~"" nfd<,IBy thine unk.nozvne SorroJP! _ 'andSt~jferings, felt by tbee, but not dijlinaly K1zowne by us; Ha)lemercy 11pon ~,4nd ja)le us. Now, though this fuffice not, nothing neere; yet let it fuffice (rhe time being lhort) for His paines of 13odyandSoule,. For thofe of the 'llo· Jy, it may be, fomemay have endured the like: butrhe forrowesof E" Soule are unknowne forrowes : and for them, none ever have; ever have, or ever fhall fuffer the like; the li~, or neere the: like in any ~egre~ - --- ~ - "--- - ----, ---- --- · -- -- - - ·-