Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z. Ofthe P A ss I o N. And now to the third. It was laid before, To be in diilreffe, fuch difi lfe asthis was and to node none to comfort, nay not fo much as to p~.a~a, ~ rd Him is all ~hat can be laid, to make his forrow a Non jidtt.Com. · ~~~is it; by which, in the midtl of all our (orrowcisJ we are [ onfonati, that is, !l:rengchened and made the better able to beare th.em all out, And who ischere even the pooreil creature among us, but m fome degree findech [om:comfort, or fome regard at fomebodies hands? ~or, ifthat be nodeft the lhte ofthat party is (here) in the third word faid to bee like the tr;e whole I~ aWl and wholefruit are all beaten offquite, and it felfe left ba/e and n;.ked both ofthe one and ofthe other. And fuch was our ·sA v 1 ouRs cafe in thefe his Sorrowes this day; . 1 and that lo as what is left the meane!l: ofthe fonnes ofmen, was not left L,..,,.~ , Him: Notaleaft. Nota leafe! Lea1m {may well call all humane com– fortsand regards .whereof He was then left cleane defolate. 1. Hu owne, they among whom. Hee had gone about all His life long, healingthem, . 1 teaching them, feedmg ehem, domg them all the good He could,tt t>they wirhmd that cry, Not Him, no, but 'B11rahb.u rather; 41bay TPith Him, Hi5 bloud bee ''"vn. , , .·)·'Id I . h h . h 'dfl fh ' fh k John 10,40• 11 pon usandourc,z rm. t 1st ey, t at m t e m 1 no. IS forrowes, . a e and 1 9.n. their head at Him. and cry,Ah thou 1/JrttdJ: they,thac m H1s mof!dtfcon- Mar.> 7·•5· folateellate crie Eii Fli · in moll barbarous manner; deride Him, and Mar. IS· !9 6 "' ) ., ' ;t . fay, Stay, andyoujhallfee Elia.s comeprejmtlyand take Him doT/Jne. And this · ,was their regard. • . But thefe were butTPitbered lea<"t!es. They then that on earth Were nea~ i reil Him ofall, thegreeneji luives and like!l: to hang on, and to give Him Gritnkaflu; fome lhade: even ofehem, fome bought and fould Him; others denied and forfwore Him, but all fell away, and forfookeHim. A.,.,f,;""'"' ~"'(faith .Theodortt) not a leafe left. . Butleaves are but leaves, and fo are all earthly l.layes. The fruit then, Friiii: the true fruit of the Vine indeed, the true comfort in all heavinelfe, is · 1>efuper, from above, is divine confolation. But Vindemia1!it me, (Iaich the LatineText) even that was, in this His farrow, chis day berefcHim too. And thac was I-t is moll forrowfull complaint ofall others: not that His frjends upon earth, but that His Father from Heaven had forfaken • Him; that neither heaven nor earth yeelded Him anyregard; but that, betweenethe paffioned powers ofHis foule, and what!oevec might any wayes refrefh Him, there was aTra'llerfe drawne, and He left in the fl:ate ofaweather.beaten tree, all dc:folate and forlorne. .Evident too evident, by that His moll dreadfull cry, which at once moved all the powers in heave~ andearth, My God, my God, TPhy l}(tfl thou forfak.en me! Weighwell Mat 27 . 4 6; thatcne; con(lder it well, and tell me, Sifuerit clamor ficut clamor ijle, if everchere werecry, like that ofHis : Never the lik.e cry and therefore neve~ the like[orro 1 v. ' It IS ihange,very llrange, that, of none of theMar0Jrs, the like can bre read; who yet endured moll: t'xquifite paines in their Martyrdomes ' Kk yet