Of the P A s s '1 o N• Sermon 2 • yet we fee, with what courage,with what chee~efulneffe,howeven fing. mg they are reported to have paffed through their torments.WII ye know the reaf~m ?Saint Augufti1Ze fetteth it d<!Wne, Martyres non eripuit,fed nun. quiddeforuit? He delivered nr;t His Martyrs; but, didHeforfake them? He delivered nottheir bodies, but He forfooke not their foules, butdiRilled into them the dew of His heavenly comfort; an abundant fupply for all they could 'endure. Not fo here, Pindemia)lit me (faith the Prophet) 'De. reliquitti me (faith He Himfelfe :) No comfort, no fupply at all. Leo it is, that fidl: faid it, (and all Antiquity allow of it,) '/:I(on fol)it .- tmionem,fedfubtraxit )lijimem. Theunion was notdijfolwd; True,butthe beames, the influence was reftrained; and, for any comfort from thence His foule was,even as a fcorched heath.grouod, without fo much as any drop of dew ofdivine comfort: as anaked tree, nofrHit to refre!h Him within, no leafe to give Him 0adow without :The powerofdarkne!Te let loofe to afflict Him : The mfluenceof comfort, rellrained to relieve Him. It is aNonJicut, this: it cannot be expreffed as it fhould, and as 0: ther things may: in filencewe may admire it, bur all our words will not reach it. And·though to draw it fo farre, as fomi: doe, is little better than blafphemy; yet on the other fide, to fhrinke it fo fhort,as other forr,edoe, cannot be butwith derogation to His love, Who, to kindle our love and loving IJtegard, w,ould come to a1'\on ficnt, in His fuffering: For, foie ~as,and fo we mull allow itto be. This,in refpect ofHis pafsion,Volor. second!~, of Now, in refpectofHis perfon,Dolormem. Whereof lfit pleafe you ~1·h~u~~i. to take a view; even of the perfon thusWounded, thus ad!icted and for• fan, - fa ken, you fha.ll then have a perfect Non Jicut. And indeed, the Per(onis here a weighty circumflance: It is thrice repeated; Meus,}vfihi,Me, and we may notleaveit out. For, as is thePerfon,fo is thePafi'ion; and any one, even the very leafl: degree of wrong or difgrace, offered to aPer[on ofexcellency, is more than a hundred times more, toone ofmeane con• dition : Soweighty is the circumllance ofthe Per[on. Confider then,how great the Perfonwas; And l refl: fully affured, here we boldly challenge, and fay, Sifuet.itJicut. t _ Eue !Jomo,laith Pilatefidl,Aman He is,as we are: And were He but IobnJ9,5· H b r d b · a man; nay, were enot a man, utwme poo:re urn ecreature,Itwere greatruth to lee Himfo handled, as He was; _ z Atnan,faithPilate; and aluflman, faith Pilatrwife: EawthoniiO· Mat. '7·'9· thing to doe1Vit1J tl>at juft man. And that is one degree further. For, though wepitty the punifhment evenofMalefoBors themfelves : yet ever, moll compafsion we have ofthem,that fuffer and beinnocent. And He W:!S :tuk<> 3 .r 1 • innocem : Pi/ateandHerod, and thePrince ofthis world (His very ene· 1 h & 15 mies) being His Judges. 0 11 ; 4 · 30 ' Now among thclnnocent, the more Noble the Perfon, the more I1eavietheipecta~le: ~nd ~~yer ~oe ~ur bo\~el~ yernc: fo much asfi0vehr uc '