Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z. Ofthe PAssIoN. fuch. Alas, aiM for that noble •Priuc~, faith this Prophet (the fii!e of rriour- Ier. ::.!_8; nin" for the death ofa great Perfonage.) And, He that fuffered here, is fuch; even, aprincip~ll Perf~n amongth~ fou~es o~m~n,ofthe race roy~ all defcended from K1ngs: P1late fhled H1m fo,m h1s T1de and he would Iohn 15~o:a.; not alter ir. . . · Three degrees: Bur, yet we are not at our true~antus. For Heis 4 yet more: Morethanthehighefl:of the(onnesofmeni for He is THE SowN£ OP THE MosT HtGH Goo. Pllatefawnofurthcr,IohnrN: . but&cehomo; TheCenturion did,Vere, Filim 'Dei erat bic, Nowtruly, Mar.tH9~ this was the Sonne of G o o. And here, all words forfake us, .and eve- 'Y tongue becommeth fpeechleffe. , . . Wee have no way to expreffe it, but amznore ad maJU-s; (Thus.) Of this booke, the booke of Lamentations, one fpeciall occalion was, the death ofKing Io{tM: But behold, a greater than IojiM is here. . OfKing lojiM (as a fpeciall reafon ofmourning,) the Prophet faith, Chap:,.;iR! Spirit M oris noftri, Cbrijlm 1Jomini, The very breath of our noftrils, The L o Ro's Annointed (for fo are all good Kings, in their SubjeCl:s accounts) · He is gone. But behold, here is not Cbriffw 1Jomini, but (brijlm :Domimu The Lord's CHRIST, but the Loao CHRisT Himfelfe: And that Mtcomming to an honourable death in battdl, as IojiMdid i but to amoll vile reproachfull lleath,the death ofMalefaCl:ors in the high– ell: degree. And not ilaine outright as Iojias was : out mangled and ·ma!l'acred in moll: pittifull fl:range manner; wounded in body, woun..; ded in Spirit, left utterly defolate. 0 confider this well, and confeife, the Cafe is truly put, Si fueritdolorjicut 1Jolormfm. Never, neverthelike P(rfon: And if, as the Per[on is, the Pafliotl bee; neverthe likePafi'ion m~ . It is truly affirmed, rhatany one,even the leafl: droppe ofbloud, everi thelea!lpa!ne, yea, ofthe body onely, of this fo great aPeifon, :tny :Do– /or With th1s Mem, had beene enough to make aNon jicut ofit. That is enough; but that is not all : foradde now the three other degrees. addc to this Per[on, thofe 'll>ounds,that Sweat,and that Crie,and putall together: And,I make no mannerquc!l:ion, the like was not,lhall not cannot ever be. It is farre above all tliat ever was, or can be. Abyjfr.ueft: men may drowfily heareit, and coldiy affeCl: it:But Principalities and Powers fiand abalhed at it. And forthe !l!!,ality, both ofthePafi'ionand ofthePeifon~ That Ne)Jer the like . thus much. ' Now to proceed to the Caufe, and to Confider it: for, without it; i ~e ilia\\ havebut halfe a regard, and fcarce that. Indeed, fet the C.tufo Of the cauf~ ~~fill and the Pafion (as rare as it is,) is yet bnt a dull a,nd heavie fight: fi not much looke upon fpeCl:ades ofthat kinde, though never fo A~df~ d they fill us full ofpenfive thought:;, and make us Melanchohke~ oth this, ttll upon examination ofthe caufe, we find it t_oucheth Kk z us