Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthc PAs sI oN. us neere;and lo neere,fo many wayes,as we cannot choofe,but have fome regardof it. . I. 1 . What was done i:o Him, wee fee. Let there now be a quell of Inqui. -tu~~~~·;; ryto finde, whowas doer of it. Who? who,hut thePower ofdarkneffi wicked 1 Pilate , bloudy Caiaphao, the envious Priells , the barbarou: Goo's :Wrath. Souldiers? None of thefe are returned here. We are too low, bya great deale, if wee thinke to finde it among men. fl!!..e fecit mihi 1) 1111 lt was Go o that did it. An houre of that day was the houre of th~ ' power of darfr..neffi : but, th~ whole day it felfe, is faid here plainely, was the day of the "il:>ratb ofGoo. Goo was adoerinit; >lJherewithGoo batbaffliEled me. GoD affiiCl:eth fome in Mercie : and others inWratiJ. This was in En "il:>rath. Jn Hinvratl>Go o is not alike to all; fome Hee afflictethin His more gentle and milde; others, in his fierce 'il>rath. This Wasin~e very fiercendfe of Hu 'il>rath. HisSufjuings,HisSweat andCrie, !hewas much : They could not come,but from a wrath;Si fimit ficut : (For,we are not pall Non jicut,nonot here in this part it followc:th us fiill,andwill not leave us in any point, not to the end.) 2 TheCaufe then in Go o, was 11>ratf1. What eaufed this wrath?Goo Si•n•· ' is not W.roth, butwithfinne;Norgrievoullywroth, butwithgrieJiozu finne. And inCHR 1 s T•there was no grievousfinne :Nay,nolinneat NotHti. all. Goo did it,(the Textisplaine.) AndinHisfierce'll>tath,Hedidir. Ioh.t8.n. for what caufe? For, Go o forbid, Goo lhould doe,as did.A'nn.uthe ~en.tS.:s. high Pi:icll, caufe Him to be [mitten 'll>ithimt caufe. G0 Dforbid (faith .Abrabam) the ludgebf theWorld fhould doe wrong to any. Toany, but fpecially, to His owne Sonne : That His Sonne, of whom, wirh chun. dring voice from Heaven, Hee tellifierh, all His joyand delight werein Him,in Him only He w.u wtOpleafed: And how then could His wrat/1 wax hot, to doe all thisunto Him ? There is no way to preferve Go o s Iufl:ice, andCbrijlsJnnocencie Dau.g.>6'. • both, bun to fay as theAngellfaidof Him to theProphet 'Daniel, The Mefli· But other M}hail be Jlaim;•~l'N1 vc:-en-lo, fhall be ~aine, but not for bimfelfe. Not for himfelfe? for whom then? For fome others. He took upon him theper: fon of others ; and fo doing, Iullice may have her courfe and proceed. . Pitie it is,to feearrian pay that,he never tooke :but if he will become ;t St.~rety, if he will take on him the perfon of the 'Debtor,fo he mufi.Picie to fee a filly pooreLambe lie bleeding to death; but,if it mufl: be afacrijice (fuch is the nature of afacrifice) fo it mull. And fo C HR 1 ST, though without fin inHimfelfe, yet as aSurety, as aSacrifice, may jufHy futfer for others, ifHe will take upon Him their perfons; and fo, G0 D may jufily give way to Hiswrathagainll Him. . ' 011rr: _ _ And who be rhofeothers? The Prophet Efay telleth us, and rellethit ECa•. s3· 4,~, us feven times over for failing, He tooke upon Him our infirmities, andbar~ •~urmaladies : He 1/JM woundedfor OilY iniqt~ities)and brokenfor our tranjj,reftt- ·- - -~. ·-- ·-- - -- . . - ·- ·-- -- O~f: