36o Ofthc PAss 1 oN. Sermonz. ----------------------------~------------ fierce "»!rath ofGod, ready to overwhelme us, and to make us endure the terror and torments ofa never-dying death,(anotherNon {Icut yet:)When (I fay) He was in this cafe, He was moved with compaf!ion ov.er us,and undettooke all this for us. Even then, in His love, He regarded us, and fo regarded us, that He regarded not Himfelfe, to regard us. !Bernard faith mofl: truly,:Dilexifti me 'Domine' magis quJm te, quando mo; ri 1Joluifti pro me : In fuffering all this for us, thou fbewedfl: (L o R o) that we were more deere to thee, that thou regardeft us more,than thine owne felfe :and fhall this lj(ezard finde no regardat our hands ? It was linnethen, and the hainoufneffe of finne in us, that provoked wrath and the fierceneffe ofHis wrath inGod:It was love,and rhe great. neffe ofHislove,in CH R 1sT, that caufed Rim ro fuffertheSorrower, and the crrievoufndfe ofthefe Sorrowes, and all for our fakes. . Andindeed, bur only to rellifie theNon fie ut ofthis His Love, allthis needed not, that was done toHim. One, any one, even rhe very leali of all the paines He endured, had beene enough; enough, in refpetlof theMezt.s; enough, in refpeCl: of the Non ficut ofHis Perjo11. For, that which fettcth the high price on this facrifice, is this; That He, which of. fereth it unto G o o, is Go o. But,if!ittle had beene fuffered,little would the ~o"Ve have beene thought, that fuffered fo little; and as little fR.!gard would have beenehad ofit. To awake our regard then,or toleaveus ex. cufcleffe, ifwe continue regardleffe,allthis He barefor us : that He might· as tnl!Ymake aCafe of Sifuerit amor, ficut amor mesu~ as He did before, ofSijuerit dolor,jicut dolor mesu. We fay,we will regaril Lq'Jie; ifwe will, here it is to regard. So have we the[aufesall three: 1 Wrath in G o o : aSimte in our [elves: 3 Lo)Je in Him. OurBmeftt ; Yet have we not all we fbould. For, what ofall this? What good? ~!8!~ ~';;1 Cui bono? That, that is it (indeed) that we will regard, ifany thing: as rom~ beingm:merof!Bene.fit, theonelything(in a manner) the worldregargeth: which bringeth us about to the very firfl: words againe. For, the veryfirfl: words which we reade, Ha1le ye no regard? are in the Originall, c~!S~ ~Sloalechem, which the Seventy turne (word for word ··<>el<'""';and the Latine likewife, Nonne ad cvos pertinet? Pertaines it not to you, that you regard it tto better? For thefe two, (Pertaining, and !J\.tgarding) are folded one in another, and goe together fo commonly, a> one is taken often forrhe other. Then tobeefuretobringuscofR.!gard, Hee urgeth this: Pertai11es not all thu to you! Is it not for your good? Is not the benefit yours? Matters of benefit they pertaine to you, :md without them, L o v E, and,all the reil: may pertaine to whom they wilL Confider then, the indlimable benefi~ ~hat gro~eth untorfo: