Sermon z. Ofthe PAss 1 oN. from rhis incomparableLow. ri:'is n~t impertinent.this; Even.this; That to us hereby, all is turned about cleane comra~y : fh~t by Hts ftr!pes The are healed: by Hisfweat, werefrefhed: By H1sforfakmg, Thee recetl>ed to Grace. That, this day (roH1m, the day {)fthefiercenejfeof Go ti s Thrath) aCor.6.i; is to us the day of the fulneffe of Go D s favour; (as the ApDftlecal!ed it) A day o(falllation. In refpea: ofthat He fuffered, (_I deny not) an el>tll da~; a day of heavineffe : But, in refp.eCl:.ofthat, wluch He, bf It hath ob~a,. ned for us, It is, (as we truly call n,) Agood da~, a day~fJOY and lubt!ee. For it dorh not onely rid us ofthat wrath, wluch pertameth to us for our finnes: but further, it maketh that pert'aine ro us; wherc:to weehad~~ manner of right at all. _ . ; - _ For,hotonelybyHisdeath, as by the death ofourfacrifice, bythe bloud ofHis Croffe, as by the bloud of the Palchall Lambe, the 'Destroyer Exo: paffeth over us, and we fhall not perifh : But alto byHis death,as by the death of our Hig/, Prieft (for He is Priefl and Sacrifice both) wee are re-*. ftored frotn our exile, even eo our former forfeited ellate in die Land of Promife. Or rather (as the ApolHe faith) Non jicut deliBumjic donnm: Rom.B.rt~ Noi:to the fame efl:ate, but to one nothing like it: (that is,) one farre bet. ter; than the efl:ate, our finnes bereft us- Fo~ they deprived us ofP 4 r 4 • dife, aplace on earth : the purchafe ofH1s blo~d,we are entitled to afarrehigher,eventhel(mgdo111e ofheal>en: And H1s blond, notonely thebloud of !Jlemif?ion, to acquire us ofour finnes; but the bloud ofthe Mat.a6.:is; Teflmnent too; to bequeath us, and give us dl:atc,. in that Heavenly in. IJerita re. · Nowwhatfoever elfe, this (Iam fure) is aNon Jicut: as that, which: the eye, by all it can fee ; the eare, by all it can heare; the heart, byall ic can conceive, cannotpatterneit, or fet the like by it. Pertaines not this unto us neither? Is not this worth the !Jlegard f Sure, if any thing bee worrhy the li{egard, this is mofl: worrhy ofour very worthidl and be~ fi\..egard. . Thus have We conGdere'd and feene; :not fo much a~ in this fight we The recApi· ' might or lhould, but as much as the time will give us leave. And now, tul•tiono(•l~ h~ all the!e before you, (every one ofthem a ]I.(_on Jicut of it felfe) the pames ofl-hs body, efleemed by Pi/ate's Ei:ce; the forrowes ofHis Soule, b~ Hisfweat in rhe Garden; the comfoiddfe efrate of HisforroJves, by His cneon rhc Croffe: And with thcfe,His Per(on, as being the SoN NE of the grear and E T E RN A L L G 0 D. Then joyne to thefe,the cauje : In GoD, His ~ercell>ratlJ: hllls, our heinousJinnes deferving it: In Him, Hs ex:ceedmg great Low, both fi.dfering that for us which wee had de. ferved a d · c ' I - I ; n procunng ror us, that wee could never delerve: Ma ong tkm tohapperrain~ to h~m!elfe, which of right pertained to us; and maIngt arp · - · 11 b b erraine to us, which pertained to him onely, and not to us at a ' ~t Yhismeanes alone. And after their view in feveiallilay them al-l · ~ogechc:r;