The com– plaint. The m•tttr jujl. Of the P A s s 1 o N. Sermon 2.. together, fd manyNonficut's into one, and tell me,ifl:IisCompl11int be I10t juft,and Hisrequdl: moll rea(onable. Yes fure, His Complaint is jull, Haw ye no regard! None? and yet newr the like ? None, and it pertaines unto you .? No regard ! As if it were fome common mdinary matter, and the like never was ? 7:\.o re. gard! As if it concern'd you not a \.vhit, and it toucheth you fo neere? As ifHe fhould fay: il(are things you regard, yea, though they no wayes pertaine to you: thi:; is exceeding rare, and wili you not regard it? A. gaine, things that neerely touch you, youregard, though they be not rareat all; this toucheth you exceeding neere, ·even as neere as your foule tou. cheth you, and will you not yet regard it? Will neither of thefeby itfelfe moveyou? Will not both thefetogether move you? What will move you? Will Pitty? Here is 'Diftreffi, never the like: Will Dutie l Here is .a Perfon, never the like : Will Feare I Here is Wr.qth, never rhe like : Will Remorfe ? Here arefinnes, never the like : Will Kindne[,? Here is Loe, never the like : Will B~unty? Here are 'Benefits, nevmhc like: Will all thefe? Here they be all, all above any Sicut, all in the high. eft degree: , themanw" Trudy the complaint is jull:, it may move us: it wanteth no reafon, •~~T~~eft. it may move: and it wanteth no affection in the delivery ofit to us, on His part to moveus: Sure it moved Him exceedingmuch : For among all the deadly forrowes of His moll bitter Pafsion; this, even this lee· ineth to be His greatell: of all, and that which did moll affect Him, even the griefe ofthe llender reckoningmollmen have it in; as little refpechng Him, as ifHe had done, or fuffered nothing at all for them. Forlo, of all the fharpe paines He endureth, He complaineth not, but ofthis Hee toinplaineth, ofNo regard: That which grieveth Him moll, that whtch moll: He moaneth is this. It is ftrange, Hee fhould bee in paines, luch paines as never any was, and not complaine Himfelfc of them; But of want ofregardonely. Strange,He fhould not make requelt,Odelil!er me, or relieve me: But only, 0 con{tder and regard me. In effect, as ifHeefaid; None, no dclil>era11ce, noreliifedoel fcekc: fl?.!gard I feeke. And all chat Ifuffer, I amcontent with it: !regard it not: I fuffer moll: willing'y, if this I may finde at yeur hands, fl?.!gard. The regaF<I Truly,This fo pafsionate aComplaint may move us; it moved all but of the (r••· us: For moll ftrange of all it is, that all the Creatures in heaven and tllw oflc. earth, feemed to heare this His mournfull Complaint,and in cheir kind,co fhew their regardof it: TheSunne in heaven fhrinking in his l·ght; the earth tremblingunder it; the very flones cleaving in funder, asifthey had fenfe and Sympathy ofit : and finfull men only,not 010uedwith it. And yet, it was not for theCreatures, this was done to Him; to them it pertal· nethnot: Butforus,itwas,andtous it doth;andfhall we not yerre. ,gard it? Shall theCreature, and n~t \ve? Shall we not. If