Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon, z.. Of the PAs s 1oN. } If we doe not,it may appe~taine to us,but we per~ain_e ~or to it; ft per- Tbe bmtji~, · -5 to all but all pertalhe not to It. None pertame ton, but tpey ·that if. came ' k . b fi ·b · · h b h · takebenefirbyit;andnonet~ ~ cne _t y1t,nomoret en yt ebra~m Serpent, but rhey that fixe thmeye on It. 'Bebold, Confider, and (}(egard it: the profit, the benefit is'!oil: Without ~frard. • .. . . . . .. TheP"'ill,if Ifwee doe not, as this was a 4ay of Go D s fierce wr~t1> agamfl: hm1, not. onely for regarding us ; fot~ere 1s anothc~ day commmg, and It v~r11l rfa[. 9 o.u. quickly be heer, a day ofhke fierce wratb agamfl: us, for n~t regardmg h1m. And wboregardetb tbe power ofbu wratb ~ l;le that doth, Will furely ~;gard . chls. . . Inrhat day, there i; n?t the moll carele~eofus all_, budbal~cry a~ they . . s•. did in the Gofpell ; 'Don11n'e, nonad!e pe~tlnet, fi pmmuo ~ P~names It not Mar.4. ~ toThee Careft thou not tbat 1ve perijh -? Ihen would we bee glad ro percaine to Him, an4 His Paf?ian. Pertaitiesit to us then, and pertaines !t not now? Sure, now it mull:, ifthen it fhall. , . . Then to give end to this Complaint, let us granthim hisrequeft, ana TheH. R~qtu/f; ' • .,.T :fJe AVe ,omc ~gard his Paftion. Let the (](arenejfe of It.= The neerene e to us: Let Regard! _· IJ>itie,or Vutie :Fearf, or rf0nw1[e: Lolle, or 'Bounty: Any ofthem,or all of them :Let ~he jul!neffe.ofhis Complaint: Let his affeCl:ionatc manmr of Complaining ofthis,and_onlythis:Let t_he fhame_of rh_e Creatllre's regard: Let our',or ouriPmll: Let romethmg prevaile Wlth us, to have it in forne regard. , _ ~ Some regard !Verily, as hisJuffirings; his Lolle; ourgO'odbythe~are; Ourb:ftR§;' fo fhould our rggard be, aNon fieut too:That is, a regardof thefe, and of gard! nothing in cornparifon ofthefe. It fhould bee fo : For, with thebenefit, ever the regard fhould arife. . But G 0 D helpe us poore Gnnei-s, and bee mercitull unto ik Our regard is aNon fimt, indeed: but it is b;1ckward, and in a contrary fenfe: Thatis,no where fo flullow, fo fhort, or fo foonedone. It fhpuld be o.' therwife; it fhould have our deepefl: conGderation, this 1 and our high.' eft regard. . . . . _ ~ But ifthat cannot be had, (our natureis fo heavy, and Re!hand bloud A 1 ~ fot1!0 fo dull ofapprehenGon in Spirituall things) yet at kail:wife, fome regard. 'R~g~d; Some,I[ay: The more,the better. But in anv wife fome: And n<ft as here ?.7 ' l , J L~oregard, noneatall. Somewaiestofhew, we makeaccomptofit, to With-draw our fclves, to void our minds of other matters, to fet this before us,to thinke upon it, to thanke him for it ; tore:ardhim andfl:ay and fee, whether hee \vill regardus or nci. Sure he: will <tnd ~ee f11all feele ~udearts pricked with forrow, by cortfidtration ~f the caufe in M; Atb.i;t; ' our Stnne :And againe, warme.within us, -Byconftde1:ation ofthecaufe in Luk. ••Hi~ h'm,h,s Lo-ve; till byfome motion ofGrace he anfwere us . and fhewthat our regard is:<cce~ted ofHim. ' . . . -;' . And this as at 11 1 . c . , d, . . , ·fr b . t'! Th,. D"7 . ,. a oner runes, ( ror, no ay IS ama1e, ut at a fpeciallyj !1~e~, ~~~e ~~e ~~ ~~~ ~~·~en f~~ ~his dutie) [~ fpecially on ~hi~ Day ; • ~! . ~~~