Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon3. Of the PASSION. } As if he fhould fay; If you witrind~ed fee a jigbt once for all, looke to }iim. TheSaints,thoughtbey be Gmdenous,yet are they but followers to Him. Hee, the 'AfX""''' the Arch-gttide, Leader of tkem, and u; all ~ uok.e 011 Him. They but Well-tvtllers to ourJattb,b_ut neither Autbors nor Finifhers ofit: He both. B\>thAuthor to call us to _It, and fetus in it; and Finifherto hdpe us rhro~gh ir,and _reward us for It: Look.e to H_im, Hunc ~icite, is rheApofiles vo1ce; the vo1Ce that c~mmeth out of~h1s cloud~; for icische wifh ofthem all, even all the Samts; Runeajpwte. At Hrs appearing therefore the cloud vanifheth. There is a time when St.lames may fay, Tak& (my brethren) the Prophet~ for ~~~ example: _But when Hee lam.~ .xo: commeth forth that [aid, Exemplum ded1 ruobu, I have g1ven you and:- Iohn x 3.15 ; ample; Exemplum fine exemplo, an example abo)!e all examples; when he commeth in place, Stltat omnis caro, Let all flejh k.eepefilence. Let all the Zach. >:i 3 : Saints, yea the Serap/,ins themfelves co)!er their faces 1l>ith tbeir 1l>ings, that Efay 6.>. we may looke on him, and let all other fights goe. L,. Let us then turneafide to fee this greatS~kTheprincipall parts there- Thd Divifio~ ·of are two. 1 The figbt itfilfo, (that is,) theThing to be feene : • and the I ~ ~igbt ofit (that is) the ABof feelng it, or looking on it. _ The whole verfe (fave the two firfl: words) IS ofthe oh] eBor SpeBacle propounded. I E sus tl1e Author, &c. The two firfl: words ·~·~~-,." ;, is the other, the .AB, or.Dury enjoyned1 -- But as in marty other cafes, fo here, Et erunt primi i1o11i(Simi, the fidl i:nufi be lafi. For though theAB(i'n theruerfe) fl:and formoil:, yet (inna– ture) itislait, and fo to be handled. We ,mufl: have a rhingfirfl: fet up be-. fore our eyes, before we can fet our eyes upon it. Ofthe ObjcEtthen firfi. This ObjeB is l E s us: Not barely, hut with his double addition of It he .Author, • tl1e Finijher ofourfaitb; I E s us: And in him moreparticutarly, two t/,eories orSig},ts: 1. OfHis Paftion: z. OfHisS15'ion. 1. His PafSion,in thefe words: Wbofor thejoy,&c; 2. Hif Sejsio11, in thefc: And u Jet, &c. , · _ In the Pafsion, two things he poiriteth ai: : r Wlrat He fu!Jerrd >and lVhat mo-ved him to it. I. What he /uffered! The (rofle and nurr:e : the Croff~ he.endured; t~c fhamehedeffifed. 2. And what mo)!edHim; For a certame JOJJet before bim• . Then is to followthe.A'Bor1> ontbirfight 1 "~·~~-,•"'"· it j· Wherem fidt, the two Prepojitions, l A-uo and 2 E·,,,Prom and To: To ookefrom,and to looke too. 1. Then the ttvo crJerbes :. 'One in the verfc: f,xpre!fed (that i;) O'f•f• in «~opci"m,. ~The other of neceffity implied : bor, Wehave never awrbe in all the verfe. A'~,f~-'T" is a Paniciple; and rut fufpendeth the fentence till we either looke backe to the Verfe berare a d {; · · ' 1 · • • ; 11 olt 1s ' Vt cttrramus : or to the ruerfe next after:and fo it is •l{_e fr,gehttr. In the o~e is rh~ The01·ie orfig/,t we fhall fee, ehus lo~king. In U ~t _er, ~e pra~n_ of t_h1~ t/,~orie; Wha~ this fight is to ~vork~ 111 us~t~nd . Ll? th~t