Sermon 3· Of the PASS ION. } But what is thi~ title ro the point in hand ? So, as nochin" can bee more. 'A 11 thor andFinifher, they are the ~wo points ~hac move u~ to looke to Him. And che very fame are the t1vo pomts, wherem we are moved eo belike to Him. · . To fixe our eye, to keepe it from llraymg, toma~e us lboke on Hiin full He telleth M, He is both tbefe. In effeCt, as 1fhe faJd; fcatter not your fight,look not two waycs, as ifHe (l fhew you) were to begin, and fome other make an end. He (I fhew you) doth both. · His maine end being to exhort them,as they had begun well, fo, well to perfevere; to very good purpofe He willeth them to have an eye to Him and His example, who firfl: and !all, '"''~ilv"' <lXJi "'"P~"' from the cratcb to the Crojfo from Saint time a quo erepit lEsus facere & docere,that a Acts r.z .' He begmt to'doe and teacb, to b S. Iolms time, that He cried confummatflm eft, hrob. 19 . 30 • gave them not over, <fed in fi nem u(q; dilexit eos ,but to the end lolled them. ciob 11 13 .,, And fo mulhhey Him, ifthey doe Him right. Both Jet ortt with him, as , Author by agood beginnhzg; and l>old oun1>itb Him, as Finifher, to a farre better end; and follow Him, in both, who is both. Were Hee Autl>or onely,it would ferve to fiep forth well at the firft. But He is Finifhtr coo~ therefore we mufi hold out to chelaft. And not rend oneof them from the other: feeing he requireth both : not either, but both: and is (indeed) I E sus a SAv 1 ouR of none but thofe, that to!li)W him as Finijher , too, and are therefore marked in the d{ore-head TPitf, TA V the !all letter dEze-9·1ofthe Hebrew, as He Himfelfe is 0 M E G A, the !all: of theGmkAlphabet. This is the Parcy,hecommendeth to our view; ( E sus, the Author, and theFinifher ofour faith: ~~~ ~befe two, to look.e upon Him: and, in thefo !JPo, to be like unto Rm~ OurSight then is I E sus i and in I E sus what ? You have called us 1 hither (fay they in theCanticles) to feeyour STJUflamite 'll>l>at {hall 'll>e fee in His '7'4Ji n. Him~ W?at? (faith the E.fPoufe) but as the compani; of an armie (that is) Canc, 6 . "l• many leg1ons of good fights, anOcean or bottomeleffi deptb ofmanifold high perfeCl:ions. We !hall lofe our felves we !hall beconfounded to fee in Him, ~I that may bef!lewed us: theObjeCt is too great. Two peeces ther:fore he maketh choice of, and but two; and prefenceth him to our eye m two formes onely ; 'As hanging on the Crojfe; •As fitting on the . 'J1,~one. 1 His Paftion, and 2 His Seflion; thefe two. And thele two, With, very good and perfeCt correfpondence to the two former. By theCroffi, He'is Author: by theTbro1ze, He isFinipJer ofour faith. As Man ~n the (rojfe, Author: As Goo on theThrone, Fil!ijher. Author, on che hoffi: tl~ere he paid the price ofour admitting. Fimjher on theThrone : t erehels the pri~eco us ofour courfe well performed of ~he wcl finijhing our race, the race ofourfaith. ' . • And fure, With right high wifdome hath the H o L 'i GH os T, be.: Jng~l) ~~hor~~Ho~ r~ceJ c~~bined chefe twaiue.· For, in thefe t~aine, - L1 .... !lfC