Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Of the PASS ION. } b h. better every time wefawHim. Othat it might be fo heer !Othat et e ' · h h l"k r. 1 C · I · we\Vtmld meet thisLo11e Wit t e 1 emeau1~e: . ertamy, mHisPa.f fi th to 116 of us triumphed, over the lo"Ye of/m lift, and !Jonour both. 10n'on: viewmore of both thefe under one, 3ond we iliall bythefetwo 31 d"fcover two other things in our felves,for wh1ch, v~ry agr~eable it was; ~ee fbould fuffer thefe two., ~hat by thefe tw? ofHis, £01; thofe tw~~f rs Hemight make a full fat1sfacbon. It Will fhew,a goodcongrmt.t~ b~t~een our jicknejfeand hisfaiN, betweene our debt an~ Hisdicharge= , ! · TheMotiJer-finnethen,the ji11 of.Adamand ll11e,and their motiyes to It, are the lively image of all tbeafter-birthes of G~ne, and the baitesofGn forever. Now, thatwhich moved them to d1fobey, was partlyplea. fim, and partlypr!d_e. Pleaft~re _; 0 thefruit was deli,g}ltfull to fee and-to ~en.3.6.i~ tafle. Pride : Entu Jicut 'Dg, It prom1fed an ellate £tfUall to the High;. eft. Beho.•d then (in his Pafion) foro~r pl:afu~e; hi_spalne; and Foro~r pride, his flMmeand ~eproaciJ. .~ehold?Im, mh1s patience, endunngpam, for our Wicked luft; m h1s lmmd1ty, havmg fhame powred on him, for our_ Wretched pride. a Tbe L oR 1> of Lifefufferingdeatb; b T'he L o R·P of 4 A~.~.rf; glory, vile and-ignominious difirace. cTanquam fignUI, (faith the Pro- b1 C >r. >.8~ phet of him) tU aLambe,_pitifullyflaugMered :dT,mqu.:m 'Verm_i& (fai:h he of d~[;,~;;:;.• himfelfe) as a1vorme, fpttefully trod upon. So, by his endunng patnes and painfull death, expiating our unlaw{ull pleajure ~ and, by his jufteining jhallie fatisfying for ourjhamefulfpride. Thus may We;u!lder one behold out f;lves, and our wretched demerits, inthemirrorofHis Pafsion. Gre.: gory faith well: Vieendum erat, quantum nGS de/exit, ne difftdere; 'Dicenduni erat & quales, nefieperbire & ingrati effi : How greatly lo)led us, mull: bee coldus, to keepe us from lliftrufl: And, what weewere when hee fo lDl!ed us, mull: bee told us, to hold us inhumility, to Inake us e"VerlaftinglJ. thankful!. Thus farre both under onevie\~~ " . Now are we"to part theirt, to fee th~~apart: Wee ffiall have much 2 the {'rDIJ' adoeto doe rt,they ·arefo folded and tw!ll:i:d together. In the [roffi, there: anofoa,uft: isfhame; and in fl?ame,thete'is a[rojfo, and that a heavy one. Tl&r4f'J~ The Crojfo, the Heathen terined, Cruciabile lignum, a tree oftorture: but they called it alfo,arbvwn infrelicem,~ flipitem infamem, aTPretched infamous tree Withal!. So it was in his Crwme, tb•e thornes pricked him; there Wa~paine:the (ro!vne it f::lfewas ameere mockerie, and inati:erof[come. So,m hJs li(obe ; hts purple body underneath in great paine certainly : His purple robe over it,_ a garmentofjhame and difgrace. AllalongthePaj?ion, thus they meet fhll together. In aword : the prints ofHu Paj?ion; the Apoftle well calleth St~mata CH R 1sT1: Both, are in that word· not C>al.6.x:i; fi onely wounds and_fogm11ous; but bafe and ferl>ile, and fo fham_e~ u/1 ;f~r, foare fltgmata. Thus, foame and Crojfe, andCro!fe"'nd jham~ runne Interchangeablv. _Yet,fincethe Ho i.. Y GHosT dorhfhcwusthemfeverally,fotofee -- --- - --· --- -- . ~h_e~~