Sermon 3· Of the P AssroN. } char is,Thedeat!J of the [rojfeis all rhefe foure, a I bloudy, > dolefull, 3 (candalotu 4 acmrfod deat/J. . 1 • 'Though it be but acold comfort,yet a kind ot c~mfort it is (ifdye we fi) that our death is morsJicca, a dne; not fang;uu Crttcu, not abloudy J mu,. Weewould dye when \Veedye, an eafie, (not ~·J;-," <«''r') not a eat'· z. ' {i d . h d. ·r . . h b f tormenting death. ~· Wee de Ire to ye, Wit ere tt, 1 I_t mtg t ee; i · rrot, withoutjcandall, '(fcandalum crucu.) 4· At leafl-W1fe to goe to our ]I 5 and eo dye byan /,oneft, ordmary, and by no meanes, by anaccur. ;;;d;a;b, (malediEtum Cruc_k) In the [roffe~ ~re all thefe; allfoure. The twofirfbrein theCrofle: fhetwo latter,m thejhame. For,theCr~an~ the jhame are (in very deed) twoCroffis : r)Je fhame, a fecond Crojfeof tt fel~. • To fee then,as in~ ibort time,(hordy. That ofthe Po~t[n~tJiccamur– te Tyranni] {heweth plainly, it is no poore priviledge, to dye withouttf– fiifion of bloud. Andfo it is. 1. For,able~singit is,and our wifhit_is,we may live out our t~mr, and not ?ye an unttmely deatf;. Where there 1s effu-. jion of btottd, there IS ever an untmzely deatb. 2 • Yet every untimely deatb is not ri!iolent : but abkudy deatb is1!iolent and ~gainfl nature; and wee defire to payNature her de_bt by the 1lMJ.of Natttre.· 3. A11iolw death one may come to, as in 1l7arre (~nguirb_elli; bell fueweth it) yetbyrv~lor, notby way of p11nijhment. Thisdeat!Jl_sp£nall: not (as all deat/,) ftipendium peccaci; but (as evill men's dc;ath) --vindiEla fce– leru, an executiM for fome Capital! ojfenfe. · 373 And not every crime neither : Fundet11r {alzguu ~s thepunijhment of' ~ Treafon and other more heyn()IM crimes, to dye embrued in their owne bloud. And even th_9' that dye fo, dye notyec fo evill adeath, as doe they that dye on the [rojje. It is anotheE cafe, where it is fanguis mortir, tbebloudand life goe away together at omce ;.another, when it is {anguu crucir, when the bloud is fhed, and the party ll:ill in full life andfenfe, as on the ~roffi it was : the bloud firll, and the lifeagoodwhile after. This, isju!gui.r Crucis,an I tmtimely, z1!iolent, 3 pamall, 4 pcmall in the higheft degree :. there, bleedingout his bloudbefore he dJ.e, and then dye. ' When bloud is fhed, it would be nomore~hanneeds : Jhed it would be, not ponred out. Or if fo, at .onepart (rhe11ecke or throat:) not at all parts at once. But, here was fun detur, havock made at all parts. Hu pa[- fion (as hee termeth it) afecond IJ3aptifme, a IRJ]Ier ofbloud 1 and he.: even Mar.1o.3a, abkro havebeenebapti-'ed in it,as he was in Iordan. And where it would beSunnna parjimonia etiam 1!ilifimi Janguinu, no wafl:e, no not of the ba– fdtb!oudchatis; 1l>aftnvas made here. And of what bloud ~ Sangui1 I E su, ;e blond of I£ i us: and who was He? Sure, byvercueof theunion d erfonall, Goo; and fo, this blcud; bloudof Go o's oume bleeding; every chop ~hereof Was preciom,, more preciom than (that, whereof it was e P11'e) the world 1t felfe : Nay, more ~forth thaumany "ilrorlds; yea if t~ey