374 { Of the PAss 1 o N• Sermon 31 they were ten thou(ar.d. Yet was this bloud Tvaftfullj Jfilt, M 1Pater upon the grotmd. The fiwdetur and the qui here, will come intoconliderarion bath. This is Sanguis [rucis :and yec,chis is not all neither; there is mor~ yec. For, the bloud of the Croffi, was not only che bloud of Golgoth4, but the blp# of Gabbatha too. Fol", of all deaths, this was peculiar .to this death, the deat/, of the Crrj{:; chat they that were to be crucified, were not to bee crucifiedalone (which is the bloud ofG!Jigotha:) but they mu~ bee iV'-'iPf'ed too, before they were crucified, which is the bloud of Gabbatha;a fecond deatb, ye;l worte than deatl, 1t leifc. And in both thefe placesHee bled, and in either place twije.. They rwt His_b~~ with the '.1Pbips, they goard l-11s head With the 2 t/,ornes : both thele 111 Gaobtha. And againe twife in Golgotl,a; when they 1 1iailed his !Jands and /,is feet; when he wa: ~ dm1{l to the heart with the JPeare. This is fanguis Crucis. It wasro bee -fl:~od on a little: we might not paffe it: le is that, whereon our faithde. Rom.;. 25 • pends, Perfidem in fan.zuir,em IpfiM: By it, he isAuthor of our faitb, Faitb Cololf.r.ro. inGo o, andPeare with GoD, both 1 •Pacificans injang11ine [rucis, IPaci. }- f)·i11,g all ll!ith the bloud-of tbr (ro.O~· " Now this bloudy 1Pbipping and 1iayling of His, is it which brinoethin the tecond poi;Jt ot paine: chat ii: was not bloud alone w,ichoi.tt Paine~ as in the opening ofa rveine,but it was b!oud and ·'Paineboth. The tearing and mangling of his flefh, with the 1'vhips, thomu andnailes, could not choofc huebe exceedingPainful/ eo Him. 'Paines (we know) are increafed mucn by cmell, and made moreealie by g~:nde, handling, and evenchewor~ that tuffer, wee wifhcheir execut.o•1as gentle, and with as little rigouras may be.All i·~our;allmultie w's fbcwe..JcoHim; to make His 'Paines the more Painfit!!. In GabbatiM, they did not Whip Him (faith the P(almif!) t/,ey plor~,g/,ed his backe ,and,ma..!e (notflripes ,butlongfurrowes) upon it.They Pfal.ug.;. did not put on His 1Preatb ofthomes,and preffeicduvvne with their hands, bmbeat it on hard withbaus, wmake it enter through sk.ilme,flefh, sknU, a,nd all., They did not (in Go\gntlm) piercehisiJands and feet,but madewiJe. Pfal....16'. holes (like that ofaJPade) as if they had been digging in fome ditch. Thefe werepaines; and cruel! paines : But yet rhe(e, are not ··J>:-ru (the Roiy Gh~rt·s 1/JOrd in theText; ) Thole are properly ftreinillz paines,paints oftorture. The'1(ack is devifed as amofi exquilite paine, even for terror. Pfo!.z:. 14. And the Crojfe is aCJ(~ck., w~ereonhe was ihetched, till (faith thePfolmt) allhir bones were out ofjoint.But even toftand (as He /mng)three long hours together, holding up but i:hc ai:mes at length, I have heard it avow~d of fome that have felt it, tobe aj'ailze fcarce credible. But, the hands and the feet being [o cruelry uailed (parts 1 ofall _other 1 ~oil: fenlible, by reafon ~f the textureof lipnews, there, in them moft) lt could not bmmake~~~ paine out ofnieaturepainful/. It wa< not for nothing, that do/ores acerrtml dicuntur cmciatM (l.1ith the Heathen man) chat the moft fharpe and bttter. paines ofall other, have their name frc.m1 hence, andare-called Cruci~ttil, · ~·-· • • - - ·- • • ·- L__ -· pat~es,