Sermon 3• OfthePAssiON. }____ ~5_ - .,_ :- · l'ke thofe of the Crojfe. le had ani~aning, chat tiJey gave Him• pames t h C ,rr.. C . . h that Hee had (for His "IIJelcome to .t e ,roJJe) a up mtxt "IVtt Gall or Myrrhe. and (for His farewell) aJ]>oonge of Vinegar : to fhew by the ~ne ,th~ bitterntjfe, by the other, the fharpene./Je of the .Paines of thi~ Painfull deatiJ. . . . . . . . . . . • . . Now inPaine(we know)the only comfort ofgravu, IS bre'lits;tfwe be in ir,ro'be quickly out of it. This,t?e C~offi hath ?ot; but is mors Pro; lixa, adeathof dimwftons 1 adeath l~ngtn-dymg., And tt was thereforepur~ pofely ·chofen by them. IJ3/ajfhemte they·condemnedHimof; then was Hee ro bee floned : That death would have dilpatched Him too foone. They indited him ane\V of Sedition; not, as of aworfe~ault,butonely becaufe crr~cijjing belonaed to it: For, thenHemull: be'l11btppedfidl:, and that liked themwell: a~d then, He mull: dye by inch-meale 1 not[wall11111 bir . -death at once, but t4J~eit (asChap.II.9.) andtakeitdownebylittleand Cl\ap;:·.~! little. And then He mnfl: have His legges andarmes broken, and (o was their meaning, His fhould have beene: Elfe (!would gladly know) to what purpofe provided they to have aPejJell of'"Vinegar ready in the place (IoiJ.XIX.19.) but only that he might nOt faint with loffe ofblof{d,but bee kept alive till they might heare hisboner crajh Li~derthebreaking, and fo feed their eyesWith that fpecracle aifo. The provtdence ofG o D (indeed) prevented this laA:aCl: of Cruelty: Their 'l11i// was good though. All thefe painesareinthe (rojJe: but,tothis lafl:fpecially,the word in the Text hath reference '"'~'-'"''which is,Heemufl:, ~''"" ""'· tarrie, !l:ay, abideunder it; So dye, that He mightfeeleHimfel(e dye, and endure the paines ofane'!_during tkatb. . Andyet, ali this is but halfe, and the ie!T'er halfe by farre, ofCruciattU [rucis. All this, His body endured: was His foule free the while ?No; but fuffered asmuch: As much? nay more, i'!finitelymuch more, on thefPiri~ tuall;than Hishotly did, on ~he materiall (rojfe. For,aJPirituall Croj)i! there was too : all grant aCrojfe, befide that whichSimonof Cjren did hdpe him to beare. Great Werethofepaibes- andthistimetoolittletofllew' h . ' , owgreat; but,fo great,that in all the forrrter,He never fhrunk,nor once complai~ed,but wa.s, as if he~carce felt them. But when thefe came,they made Him complame and 'crtealoud, "'""""' i'X"f"'' aftrong crying. In all Heb.f.t; thofe, no bloud came, but where paffages Were made for it to come out by : but in_ this, it fl:rained out all over, even at all places at once. This W~s thePameofthePrejfe(fo theProphet talleth it,Torcular:) wherewith E!a.6 3.2} as tf ~ehad beene in the 'l11ine-prej}e,all hisgarmentswereftainedandgoa- ! ! ~~d Wtth blo11d. Certainly, thebloudof Getl!Jemane was another manner of hl oud than that of Gabbatba; or that of Gol'JOtiJa either .and that was the oud fR · . o • . d 0 . IS Internal! Cro./Je. Of the three Pa[Sions, that was thehardeft to en u:t t rt t?at did Heenduretoo. It is that, whichbeleefe it felfe doth ;on ·er,f ow ttdothbeleeve. fave that it knoweth as weli theLoveas the --~~e~ ~- GC:'>~ t~ l?_ec ~i~~~u.t~~~~~s.; and His!;~~~~: a~ ~~letohfindj Mm -~~