Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 3· Ofthe PAssIoN. Onnvhilein p1'rple, Pilate's fuit; a~oth~r-while_in Tvhite, Herod's liwry: Nippilzg Him by t?e, ~nd pullmgof H1s ha11:e )lu!dfo!ding Himand buffeting lfim;bowmg to H1m 10 derijion, and then jp1ttmg_ tn Huface,was,as ·f r1 e had had not the Lord ofglory,bur fame dwt or dl";;:ard 10 hand. Died 1 db 1 ! "a JOoled•etb? (faith 'David of .Abncr in greatregrett 16 no. Sure 2 Sam.3·33; .fl ner ,u, '' :J h d. d d I ' our ble/fed SA v 1 ouR fo ~ied; and, r at He ~o 1e , ot Hquall,n_ay Ju;- paffe even rh: woril:of H1s torments. Yet th1s fhame alfo He dejpijed, of beina in forma ludlbriJ. . 1~ rhere any worfe yet 1 There is.. For, thou~hcontwipt be bad, yet Jejpigbc is beyond it, _as farre as_earntft IS ?eyond jport : thar,_w~sJPort; this, was malice. 'Defpl'gbt, l call1t, \Vhen 10 the mtddell: of H1s mifene, m the" very depth of all His diftreffe, theyvou~hfafed Him n~t,the leaflc~mpafSion : but, as if He had beene.the moO: odww ll>retc!Jed Cmt1ve andabjeEt of men, the very out-caft of Healmz a11d Earth; !loadflaring andgaping upon Him, 1Vagging their _heads, 1Vrithing th~ir moutl~es, yea,_ blearingout their tongues; raylmg on H1m, and revdmg Him,fco!Jmg at H1m, and (cor" ning Him: yea, in the very time of His Prayers deriding Him, e.ven in his moll mottrnefu/1 complaint and crie for the very anguifh of HisSpirit. Thefe vile indignities, thefe l11amefull rvillanies, fovoid of all humanity, 'fo full of all defpight; (I make no quefl:\on) entred into HisJoule deeper,than either naile or fpeare did intoHu body. Yet all this Heedejpifed :to bee in for. ma reprobi, Mmhid tbeir faces at this; nay, to fee this fight, the Srmne was, drew backe his light, the earth trembled, ranne one part from the other; thepowers of heaven 1Vere mo1Jed. Is this all/ No, all this is bmScandalum : there is a greater yet remai. ning, than [candalum; and that is malediBum Crucu: That thedeath Hee died,was not onlyfervile,fi:andalow,opprobrious,odiotu; but even execrable andacwrfed :Of men, held fo. For, as if he had beene averic reprobate, in His extreme d,-ought, they denied Him adrop of1Vater (never denied to any but to thedamned iniJe!l)and inflead of i.t,offered Him rvinegar in aJPunge : and that in the very pangs of death, as one for whom nothing was evill enough. , All this is but man, andman is but man, hisglory isft~ame oftentimes, and his .fhame glory : Bm, what G o D curfetb, that ts cttrfed indeed, And this deat!J was curfed by GoD Himfelfe, His ownemouth,as the !Pofile deduceth, Galath. 3· '3· When all is [aid wee can fay, this, this, Is_the hardeO: point of Hisjha111e, and the highefl: point of His love in bea– nng ir. CH R 1 s Tu s faB~~& ejlmaledictum. The fhame of a curjed ·.Je~tb~ curfed by Go o, is a fhame beyondalljhmnes; and he that can de" ffiife. lt may wdl fay confummatmn efl : there is no greater left for him to defpife. 0 what contempt was po\ovrcd upon Him! 0 how was He in all :~te deJPtfed? Yet ~edeJPifed them all, anddefPifed to bedejpijed iri them S · Th~h'!,heft htmultty, Spemere Se fPerni : there fo many wayes,jfenzere ef}erm. · Mm2