Ofthe P A s s r o N. So have we now theCrojfe ~;;.,,J>IJU,...,, the twomainebarresof it rPaine and • ~!Jame : and either of thefe againe, a Crojfe of it felfe; and that double, r ou-tward, and • inward. Paine; bloudy, cruel!, dolorom.andendu. ri1(g : rp aineHeeendured. S!Jame; ferl!ile, fcandalom, opprobriom,odiol#: S!Jame Hedejfifed. And belide thefe,an internal/ Crojfe:thepafoonof Geth– Jemrme,aml an internalljhame; theCurfe it felfe ofthe Crojfe,M~IediElum Cru. (U. Of thefe, He endured the one; the othe,rHede.JPijed. - 3 ~a•imo. Thefc, all thefe •and yetthere remaineth a greater than all thefe, even qrto mzimo, with what mind, what having in His mind, or fetting before His eyes, Be didand fuffired all this. That He did it not, utcunq; butpro. pojito jibi; witha~ eye ~o fom:what He aym~d at. Eph·•+ Phjl.2·6. I We handlethzs pomt laft,tt Randeth firRm the Verfe. Andfur~,ifthis· as a figure, Rand not fidl:} the other two are but Ciphers : with it,of lllli~~e .' nothingwithout it. · • Toendureall this is verymuch,howfoever it were. So, toendure it, as to make no reckoning of it, to de.lfife ir, is more ftr:inge than all the refr. Sure the j71ame was great, howcouldHee make fo fmall accompt of it 1 and ;he Crojfe heavie; h(JW could He fet it fo light?They could not choofe but pincb Him, and that extremely :andhowthencouldHeeindure,and [ 0 indure, thatHee dejpifed them ? It is the third point ; and in it, is adeps arietu, the fat of r]{,ammes, the marrow of the Sacrifice; even the good heart, the free forward minde, the chearefull affiBion,wherewithHe did all this. There bee but two fenfes, to take this;.,.;; in : Neither amilfc . both very good, take whether you will. Lol!e is in borh, andLol!e i~ ahigf> meafure. 'Avoi even either Pro orPr.c :Pro, in Read; or Pr.e, in corn~ parifon. , 'Av,; Pro; in Read of the joy {et before Him. Whatjoy was that? 'Efrv 'l'<ifd,,;,;,·,avo•,(faith St. [hryjoftome) for He was in thejoyes of He4WII: there Bee' )l>a-s, and there He might haveheld Him. Nothingdid or could force Him to come thence, and to come hither thus to be intreated. No. thing but Sic dilexit,or Propter nimiam charitatem qtt~ dilexit nos;but for it. Yet was He content, being in the forme of Go o, .ivl<' in fiead of it, rhus to transforme, yea, to deformeHimrelfe into the fhape ofaferl!ant, afe/011, a foole; nay,of aCaitil!e accurfed: Content to lay downeHis crowne ofg/q. ry, av/linRead of ir, to weareacrorvneof tiJornes: Content,what wejhu11 by allmeaoes; tbattoendurc (loDe of life;) andwhatwemakefogrear a rnatt~r of, that todt.lfife (loj]e of bonour.) All this, with the lolfe of that joy and thatbonour; Heeenjo) ed i11 He<ll!en (another mannerj<ry, andHo· nour, than any we have here) ••1i,for thu, or in ftead of tiJU: 1 But, the other fenfe is more praifed, .i>?i, IJ>r~, in comparifon. Forin– Jeed, thejoy He left in f!_ea~m, ~a~ rather ~""'H"''" tha~<lf1'""'''"' joy wh~r. - . . m