Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermoll3· Ofthe PAssIoN. in Hee did already fit, than joy {et befo 1 re Hfiim. ~~onwhhaich gr~und, .-,7;, h urne Pr.e. and chat better, as t 1ey uppoJC:. For, t t 1s,mCompa~ ~lfo~~fa certain; Joy : which he comparing with the Croj]e ~nd Jhame and a11, chofe rather eo goe through t~em all, than. to goe Without it. A~d can there be~any Joy compared, With thofe.~edid forgoe ~ or,ca~ any;o~ · courttervaile tbofe barbaroU5 ufages, Hee 1Ptllmgly went through. It feel merh rherecan. Whatjoy might chat bee? Sure none other, buttheloy He h;d eo_fa)le us, the joy of our Jal-vation. For,what was.1-tisglory,ori~~ If or crown ofrejoycing,was it not 'lPe ~ Yes truly, we ~eveH1s crewnand His Joy 1 In comparifon of this joy he exchange~ t~ofeJQyes, and ~mlured ~he!"d paines : this was the l1o11ey that [weetned H1sgall : And, noJQ) at all m lt) but this to be I Esus the SAv 1 ouR of a !ort ofpoore /inners. None ' , but this: and therefore pitie He fhould lofe it. And it is to bee marked, that though to bee I E sus, a SA v t o ii R; in proprletie of fpeech, bee rather a title, an outward /,onour, than an in. ward joy, and fo fhould have been<- pr.e ho11ore, ratherthan audio; yet Hee expreffeth it in the terme of jay, rather than chat of /,onour, ro fhew, itjoyedHimat thehe11rt to ja"ve tu; and fo, as a fpeciallioy, hee ac. counted it. . • •<l / I - Sure, fome fuch thing there was, that.made Him fo cheerefully fay to · His FatiJer in ~h:Pjalme, a Ecce rvenio, Loe I c.ome: And ~o his Vijciples iq_ aPfal. 4 o. 7 : earth, This, th1s 1sthePaffeowr, thatbdefidmo dejidera111, I hal.>e fo loflged Hok.... I - for (as it wereembracing and even 'lPelcomming His deatb : ) And which is 5 more, 'c quomodo coarElor! how am I pinched, orfl-reightned, till I be at it! c Luk.u.rol as if he were in paine,till he were inpai11etodeliver us. Whichjoy if ever He /hewed, in this bee did, that He went to His PaftionwithPalmei and .with fuch triumplr and jolem11ity, as Hee never admitte4all his life before. And that thisHis lowefl dlate (one would thinke it) hecalleth hisExal- . :ation, Cum exaltatU5 fuero. And, when any~o~ld thinke, he_was mo~ Iolloll.jz: 1mperfett, he ell:eemeth (and fo termeth) !tillS h1ghell: perfectiOn, Tertto L k . die perficior. In hoc eftclwita&, here is low: If not here, where? But here u ·I 3 ' 3z~ it is and that in the highell: elevation. That thejoyes.of Hea-ven fee on the I Ioh. 4· I<). One fide; and·-ehis poore joy ofjal.>ing us on the other; Hequit them eo ~hoofe this. That tho[epaims andjhames fee before him 1 and with them this JOJ,Hecbofe them ratherchan forgotthis. - Thofe joyes He forfooke,and this He cooke up. and td take it to'oke UponHim fo many,[ofirange indignities of both forts; tooketh;m and ha~ethem wichfuc~u m.ind,asHe ~ot onlyendured,but de.fPifed; Norchac neither, but even ;oyed 10 the bearing of the·m, and all eo doe us good~ ~0 to alter the nature of things, as to finde joy in death, wheteat all foehmotblrne; and joy in flidme, which all doe abb'orre is awonder ltke that Exocl 3 · o t e ufh. > • • This 1 istheverylife and {ot1leof thePafSion. and all be/ides, but the "''~"1' on Y > th~ anatomie,the ca.rkaffe without i~. · Mm3 So