Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe P A ss 1 o N. Sermon 3• fhewed thee in the Mount :To them in Mount Sinai; to us inMormt Cal: 'l!~rie. Were ali Pbilofophie loll, the tl1eorie of it might be found there. Were all cl1aires burnt (Mofes 'chaire and all) the cl1aire of theCrojfe is abfolutely ableto·teach all <"Vertue new againe. All <"Oertues are there<"Vijible : All if time would ferve: Now, I name only thofe five; which are directl,vi~ the Text; 1 FaitiJ. is rtamed there : It is, it wa.s moll confpicuous theretobee feene : when being forfaken of Go o, yet Hee clafpeth (as it were) His armes, fait about Him, with Eli, Eli, My G oo,My G oo, for all that, Matt':7-46. 2 Patience, in induring the Crojfe. ; Humility, in deJPiftng tl1e jhame. 4 Perft. <Verance in that it was nothing for Him to be Author, uoleffe He werePi. nijher too. Thefefoure. But above thefe and all, that which is the s ra. tio idea/is of all,the band and perfeCtion of ali,Lo'Ve,in thefignature oflo"Ve in the joy which he found in all this: Low,Majorem qua nemo,to lay dow; R>h. I 5 .I 3 ; His life :nay, parem cui nemo,in fuch fort to lay it down.Majorem qua nrmo to do this for his friends: Parem cui nemo,todo it for his enemies. Notwitn: !landing their unworthineffi antecedent,to do it; and notwithflanding their unkindneffi confequent, yet to doe it. This the chiefe theorie of all; buto[ Low (chieRy) the mofl: perfeet of all. For fure,ifever ought were truly faid of our S A v t o u R, this was; that being fpread and laid wide opea aHab.o.i: on the [roffi, Hcis a Liber charitatis : Wherein, he that runneth by may h Joh.;.t6. read b Sic dilexit, and cPropter nimiam charitatem, d andEcce quantam c/ia. J~)~i,~ti. ritattm! ~o')Je all o~er/romone.end ~otheother. Everyflripe as a letter, ~ECay s;. 5· every nadeas aCapztallletter. H1s e it'vores, asblackeletters; Hisbleeding iVounds J as fo manyrubrikes,to fhew upon recordHis Lo"Ve towardus. Of ·virhich Lo"Ve the .Apoftlewhen hefpeaketh, bee fetteth it out with beigiJt and deptTJ; lmgt!J andbredth (the foure dimenfions of.theCroffi) to Eph. 3 , 1 s. put us in minde (fay theancient Writers) that,upon the extent of the tree, was the mofl: exact Lo)Jc, with all thedimenfions in this kind, reprefented that ever was. i ., That we mayrt~tmc. Having feene a1!the(e, what is the end and ufe of this S~ht ~Having had the t!Jeorie, what is thepraxis of this tiJeorie ~ what the conclnfionof our contemplation~Looking into,isaparticiple;it maketh no fentence,but [ujfen– deth it only,tJll we come to a verbe, to which it relateth. Thanerbe mull be either the verbe in the verfe before, Pt curra11JM; orthe<"Verbe in the verfe following, Vt neJatigemur : that,thus looking, we rumze; or that thus looking, we tire not. Thi.;,is the praCtice of our theorie. Wefaid,theufewas (and fo, we fee, it is) to move us, ortomakeus move: to work in our feet,to work in them a motion : not any llowbut af\vift motion, the motion ofrunning; to rumze the race that is fct before us. The operation it bath (this fight) is in ourfacultie moti'lle; if we~aoa fl:ill,to caufe us fl:irre; ifwemove but fiowly,tomake usrunapace: 1fwe - -- - -- · ·-- -- -- · ---· · runnc