Phii.,·.s· Gal.f·7· o.Tim+7· Ofthe P A ss 1 o N. Sermon 3• CH R 1 s T to-us-ward, but this low of His, being beteewd, will make it credible. . Now,ourfaith is made perfeCl: by,or T/Jell-doing (faithS.Iames) it will therefore let us in a courfe of them. Of which, every venue is a ftadium, and everyaB, a(hp toward the end of our race. !J3egimzing atl,u. militie,thevertue ofthe firfl: letting ou.t : Let tbefame mind be inyore,that11! 115 in CHRIST lEsus,"ft!bohumbled Himfeife : And fo proceeding from liertue to )lertue, till we come topatience.andperje11erance,that keep thegoleend. Sofaith S.Peter,ModicumpajJosperficiet,[ulferingfomewhar,more or lelfe. fome cro(Sing, if not theCrojfe; fome evil! report, though not jhame. fo: and no otherwifewelball come to our raceend, uurfinall perfeEtion. ' · And,astherellmoveus,ifweA:andfl:ill, tormme: So, if werrmne already, thefe two (Patience and Perfewrance) Patience will make us,for all our encounters~"';'""~-'"" (faith the Apojllein the next verfe) not to be 11 ed ry . Not in ourminds, though in our bodies we be : And Perjewrauce IVili rn~ke us~"' ,... ~,.:;.4, not to faint or tire, though the time feeme long and ne. ver fo tedious : (Both thefe, in the Verfe following:) Bur, hold onour courfe till we finilb it, even till we come to Him, who was not only .,1 11 ; thor but Finifoer; who held out, till Hee came to [onfummatum eft. And ·fo muftwefinilb, notfladium, butdolich1em: notlike thofe, of whom it was faid, Currebatir bene, ye did well for a flare; but like our Apofll~ that faid (and [aid truly) of himfelfe, Curfum conjimrma)li, Iha11efinifh;dmJ courfe, I ha11e h-eld out to the rvery end. 3 Thatwc And in this, isthePraxir of ourfirfl:tl;eorieorjightof ourlolie. But faint not. ourlo11ewithouthopeis but faint : That then, with better heart weemay thus doe, and bellirre our felves,it will not be amilfe, once more to lift up our eyes, and the fecond time to look.e on Htm. We have not yet feene the end: theCroffeis not the end : There is abetter end than fo, And u fit dow11e in t/;e throne. As theProphet faw Him,we have feene Him : in fuch cafe, as wee were ready to hide our faces, at Him, and His fight. Hereisa .Yob. ~- -1~; mw fight: astheE11angeiijtfawHim, fowenow may : even Hisglory as bIoh.t9·S· the a glory of t~e only begotten Sonne of Go o. b Ecce homo, Pil.Jte'sfight we , 1oh.zMS. have feene: c Ecce 'DominM& Desu nzezu,S. 17;omM'sfight,w~ now lhall. The former, in HishangingontheCrojfe,thebeginningofour f aith. This latter, fitting on the throne, the confummation of it. · Wherein, there is an ample matter ofhope,as before oflo)le;all being turned in and out. He.fits now at eafe, that before lmng inpaine. Now, M at/;rone,that before 011 the [rojfe. Now,atGod'sright b?tnd,that beforeatS<· Zach-3-t• tan's left. (SoZaclwy Et whim : Satan onHu rightband,andthen mull:~e be onSa4ans left.) All changed : Hu Crojfe,into eafe; His fhame)ntoglone. Glorie and rest, rest andglorie, are two things that meet not herem our world. The glorioM life harh not themoft quiet; and the quiet life IS (for the mollpart) inglorio1u. Hee that will haveglorie mufimake ac· . . ro~