Sermon,. , { OfthePAssiON. 185 P t eobeedelhiffaoft, and broken ofhis reft : and hee thatloveth his com Jr~· . h d" . f: a f cafe better, mu!'c be content Wit a meane_ con mon arre 1ort o glory. Fleere then thefe meet nor i there (our bope ts) they fhall : even both meet · ether ;nd ulor•andrefl kij]eeac/,tl>eotber: SotheProphetcallethita E& cog , o -' glo~~ :te· right lwzdaddeth yet a ~egree further., Jexteraeft f4YS potior. So that, ifthere be any refl more eafte, or anyglory mo~~~l~nous~ than other there;it is on that ·hand, on thatfide; and He placed m tt,m the belt, in ch;chie(ejl,th;fulneffe ofrhein both. At Go o'~ rig/1~ ba~d is not onelypower; power; whil_ewe~ bee he_re to protett us w~thHts mzg1Jt ou~ward,and to fupport usWtth Htsgrace m """Ward : but at Hu ngh~ l1an~ alfoutllt[ulne!Je ofjoy,for e'rier (faith the 'Pfalme:) Ioy;and thefulneffi offoy,and Pfal. 16. H~ thefi4lneffe ofit for e~ermore. . . . . . This is meant by lmSe4t at tne ng/,t l1and on t!Je Thro11e. And the Came IS our blejfed bope alfo, that it is not Hispia'!! only, and none but His; but e– ven ours in expeElation alfo. The lol!e ofhis Crofle, is tops apledge ofthe 1 1 ope of!Jis tbroue, or whatfoever elfe,He hath or is worth, J:or,ifGo.o have given US CHRIST; and CHR IST thusgi"l>en himfelft, What bath GoD, er CH R1 sr,they will deny m! It is the.A"poftie's oWnededuCl:ion. Rom. 8 • 32~ To put it out ofall doubt: heare wee His owne promife, that never brake his word. To!Jimtbat oliercommetb,'lleto}it--witT,meeinmy Apoc-3-•r: Throne. Where to fie, is the fulneffe of our defire, the end ofour race · omniainomnlbtu: and further we cannot goe. Ofajoy fet beforeHim,w~ fpoke yer-while : here is now ajoyJet before m; another manner joy than was before Him : The 1JJorft was Jet before Him; thebetter;before m: and ~~~ro~~ . Thusdoe thefe two t!Jeorles ( o~ figiJts) eh;one worke to lo'lle,th'other to hope; both to thewell performing of our courje, that in this17Jeater, be– tween theSaints joyfully beholding us in our race, andC H K 1 sTat our end ready to receive us, wee may fulfil! ourcourfe witb ioy, andbeparta~ kers ofthebleffid refl ofHis mofl:glorioiUThoile_. Let tis nowmrne toHim, !lnd be!eechHim by the figM: of tMr day, by Hunfelfe (firfl:) and by hts[rojJe and 'fllrone b8th (both which he hath fee before us, th'one to a-wake our lo'lle, the othercoquickenourhope) that we may this day and eve~, lift up oureyes and hearts;thatWee may, this -day and ever, carry themmour eyes and heart1looke up to them both: fo look.e that weemay lo'lle the "one, andwait andhope for the other :[o lo"Ve and . fohope, that by :hemboth we may mo"Ve, and thacJwijtly, even ~unne to Him; and r~nnmg not faint, but fo confl:antlyrunne, that vvee faile not li- ' naHy toattame the happy fruition ofHim(elfo, and ofthe joy andOloryof Htoblejfed tl>rone: thacfo we may find and feeleHim as this day here, the ¥1Luthdou:,i. fo, i~ that day, there, theFinijher ofonr Faitb, bj the fame out - or -'':/us_ ~hrlft•. Mnen. . . .. - - -