Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

• Sermon 3· Ofthe NATI.VJTIE. 1_9.. wherewith he concludeth his Bencdic1~~<, (~ve hearc it every day,) !hall nbr deceive.tis, for this Myfterie: Hecilmc,togt<tde ottrfeetmto the way ofpeace. Away ofpeacnhen, there!hall Luk.~.79,. be,' whereofall parts 01;tll agree,· evenm the mtdil: ofa world ofcontriJ'IJerfies ~ That, there need not fuchadoe incomplatmng, tfmendtd not de!tght, ratherco b7 rre<!dmgma<-es, than to walke in chewayes ofpeace. For, even il:tll,Cucha way there 1S; wlitcliliech fatre enough, and would leade us fure enough to[alvat10n; 1fi leavmg thofe other tough labyrrnths, wee would but be jhod with thepreparation ofthe Gofpellofpeacc. . . . . . .. : Ep!J.~-:, 5.: Yea further, the .Apojlledoth affure us, th~t 1f, ·whereunto we dre come, and wbemn weal! acrrce, we would conil:antly proceed, by the Rttle, thofe things; wherein we areother- . . wi[emi::ded,even them would. Go o .re·vealetmto tu, That is, Ht; makech nci contro1nrjie, Pha.;.x(, but controverfies WSJuld teafe; tfconfc1mce were made ofthe prachce, ofthat wh~eh JS out of co»lroverfie. And I would eo God it were fo; and that' rlus here, and fuch other manifeJie • . magnawere in account. With the <...Apojlle himfelfe itwasCo. He 01ewcrhplaindy, what ·"· • reckonincr he made of this plame Myjlme; trt that, havmg beene ravij!Jtmfptttt~tp totbe thirdhea~ws,and there heard wonderful! highMyjleries,parimans utterance; yec reckoned he . ... all thole nothing, in comparifon ofchis plaine <..Myflerie here, nay, efleemed himfelfe not ta ~Cor.u.> kno1v any thing at all, bucrhis. · . . : . And as he eO:eemed 1t hmtfelfe,[o would he have us. le IS h1s exprdfe charge;we fee,(tn 1 Cor.u theVerfe next before) where he eels his Bi{hup Timothie, how he would have him, his Priefls andDeacons occupie chemfelves, in his abfence: This he commends to them; wils.t{lem, ro be doin<> with this Myflerie. That you may know what to doe (faith he,) What~ doe but deale wit!{this point; rhroughly; deale with ic. Howfoever it is manifeJJ, it isgreat: Great regard to be had to it, great painesto be beil:owed abom it. And; cv:~n fo then let us doc,and feenow another while,thisMyffcrie, what it is. . II. What Go o umanifeJiedin the flefh. Being one of the MyHeries ofgodlinejfe, it cannor~e, this My· but Godmull: be a part, and a chiefe part ofit. And, Gods being a part maketh.itgrw. For, fhrkis, greatmuO:that needs be, whereofHe isa patt, ofwhofe grwnejfe there is.noend. -And marke Godrs firil:, that it is not aliq11idDei, but Dem ;riot any thing divine, or ofGod, but Godhimfelfe: ;;;;~·6: Dtverle .clungs, d1verfe mvijible thmgs of God had beene form>rly inade man,fcil:: "HM fl fo ~ etemallPower, Wifdome, Provide»ce, in, and fince the Creatt'M. T:;hey be no t.Myfleries : Bur, ' ' c, this is; thac, not the things of God, buc Gods 01vne felf<l': 'not the dmw:>-,:,•7•, thebtames of G 0 1 0 ·; Hu brzghtnej{e; buc, thev~ry charac1er ofHis fubjlmce, tlie very 1(gtureand PerfonofGod, • Roai. r: This, is agreat Myflerie. . . ,o. Of God, the Prophet E{ay faith (Chap. XLV. Ver.XV.) Vere Deru ab/conditm es tte: Heb. '·l· · God is, ofhimfelfe, a Myflerie, and bidden; and (due which is il:range) hidden with light 1 GoJ,;4~ which wtfl make any eyes paJf /Qokmg on Hzm. Bur, a t11dden God our nnure dtd noc endure. nifrfted, · Wtll you heare rhemfpeake 1t plamely ~ Fac nobts Deos, Make rts Vt(ible gods, who maygoe, Tim.6. before res, and we fee ehem. Myjlicall,invijible Gods we cannot skill of. This we would have; E Lo. Godeobemanifej!ed. Why then, God is mdnifefled. . ""t'· ManifeJied; .Where!(!~ Sure, if Go o will condefcendto beinanifcjled, there is non~ Manif<: butwtlltlunke,rttsmeettobe, andttwouldbe, in the moll: glorious Creature; chat is un-lled in · der or above the Sunne: None; good enough. Yea, in whatthing foever, be ic never (o ex- thefofo.. ~ellenr, for God tomanifej! himfelfe in, is a difparagement too; What fay you to Jlejh? ts tt meet Go D be manifefledcherein ~ Withollt controver(te ic is nor. Why, ,vhat is {lejl> ? le ~s no Myf/erie to tell what ic is: le is d,.Jt (faith the Patriarch <...Abraham.) It isgraf{e" G,n. ,g. .· (fatth the Prophet Efay ;) FO?ntem, graffe c/it downe, and tVithering: lt is corrreption, not EraH:.~: cormpttble, b;Jt ev~n corruption ic felfe, (faith the <...Apojlle Paul,) Thrre being then (as 1 Cor.•>. <Abraham fa1a to lum, Lrtke XVI.) xbp"'f'iJ&, [o great a gulfe; [o hugeafpace, fo infinite Ltokn ~~· a diJ!a»cebetweenechofctwo, betweene Go o, andd1ejl; G 0 ti, andH•J; G.o o, and a6 Cormption; as no comming ofone atthe other· jileat omm& caro ralke not ofjlejh. Were Z"h·'·'i Jtnot a dd r. d .fi ll . {i . ' , _fliprou Cttre, an u of pre umptton, to wiOHhinos(o remote ro come together~ ro Wl that the D . . . h fl·n. b d ,'},(I y' r ·a d. b on '· ' eme, m r e ~l''i may e ma e ma"iJ <;•? er we tee,w1 1e tt was, c,n.s. l. bY h e tn a place (Cam. VIII,) m reafonable expreffc ccrmes: o that ~hou. 1vert ~ my rot er, that [ucked thebrefls of my mother! That is, 0 rhat he lntght bee manifejlcd ip .c 4 . th,