R0 M. Chap. VI. VGr. IX. X. Xt Scientes, quod CH R 1sTus~ &c. ~owing that CH R 1 s T, heeing raifed .from the dead, d)eth nd more; death hathnomore domini@n over him. -- · For,inthathe died,Hedied once to fin :but~ in that Heliveth; Helivethto Gon. , Litew!fo think! (or accompt)yeealfo, thatyee Are dead to fin} hut are alive toGon, in IEsus CHR 1ST our L 0R n. E Scripture isas the Feafi is; both of them of ch~refurreflion:Andthiswe may fafely fay ofit; tt IS thought by the Church, [o pertinent to the feajl; as lt ever hat~ been and is appointed to be· the very entry of th1s dayesService; to befoun– ded f?rth and f~ng,fir/l of all, and before all,up• on th1sday, as tf there werefomefpeciall cow::. fpondence betweene the Day and it. · Two principall points are fet downeto us,' _ out o~ the two principal! words in it : One, Sci– entes (tn t~e firfi verfe) Knowing : the other; Reputate (m the lafi verfe) Compt your felves : our !elves to fi Knowmg, andCompti»g: Knowledge, and calling , accompt or our Knorvltdge. Two pomrsvery needfull to be ever jdyntly called upon: andmore than ncedfi1ll Nn~ ~~