{ Of the R E su R R E c T 1 o N. Sermon 1, for our times, being, that much we know, and little we compt : oft wehcare and when we haveheard,Cmallreckoningwe make of it. What CH R r s T didonEafter-Day we know well; what we are then to doe, we gtve no grear regard : ourScicntes is withoat a Rept~tantes. Now thi~Scripture, e." tot!. SubflMJtia, out of the whole frame of it teacheth us otherwife; that chriftian knowledgeis not aknowledge without all manner ofaccompt_ but that we areaccomptants for it : that we are to keepe anA11dite of what we hear/ and take ttcrompt ofour felves ofwhat we have learned. '-'?·i(•~,, is an Auditorsterme~ thence the Ho L t G H o s T hath taken it; and would have us to be At~ditorsin both Scnfes• . And t)lis t.d be generall, in whatfoevcr we know: But fpecially, in our knowldg 1 touching tliisFeaft of CaR r s T s Refurremon l where there arefp~ciall words for it in theText, where inexpreife rermes anaccompt is called for at our hands as anef. fentiall duty of the Day. The bmejii, wee remember,isfogreat; theFe•.ft,wee hold, fohigh 1 as, though at other rimes we might be forborne, yet on this day, we may nor. · Nowthe Summe of our accompt is fet downe in thefe words [Similiter dr -vos: J tbat we fafhion our [elves like to CH R 1 s ·r, dying and rifing: caft qur [elves in tht fartle moulds; expreife Him, iriboth,as neere as we can. · Toaccompt of rhefe, lirfl:: that is, toaccompt our felves bound, thus to doe. Toaccomptfor thefe, fecond: thjlt 1s, toaccompt w1th our felves, whether wee doefo. Firft 1 toaccompt our felves bound,thus to doe: refolving thus within our felv~· that to heare a Sermon of theRefurrei!ion, is nothing; 'tO keepea featl:ofrhe Rtf•;– rei!ion is as much, except it end inSimiliter & -vos. Nift (faith St. Gregury) qa<dde more celebratur, etiam quoad moreuxprim&tur, Vnleifeweexpreifethematlerofthe ieAjl in the forme of our lives; Vnleife,as Heftwn the gra-ve, So wefromfin :and live toGodlinejfe,as Heunto Go n. Then toaccompt with our felves,whetherwe doe thus: that is, to fir downe and refleCt upon the Sermons wee heare, and the feafl:s wee keepe; how, by knowing C n R Is T s deathwedyetojin; how,by knowing His Refurrei!ion,we li-ve to Gon; how our eftate in foule is bettered : how the fruit of the words wehcare, and the feafl:s we keepe, doe abound daily toward our accompt againft the great Audire. And this tobe"our"ccompt, everyEajler-dJ.y. Th,Divifiow. Ofthefe two poims,the former is in the two firfl: verfes,what weniufl know: the · - latter, is in the lafl:, what we m~1H ao-compt for. And they beejoyned withSimi/i. ter \ to fhew us, they be and muft belof equall.andlike regard :and we,•s know ;S~ ACcompt. r. n. I But becaufe, our knowing is the groimdof our ammpt, the ApoH!e beginncth with knowledge. And io mull: we. Kno,Piedge, in all Learning, is of two forts: 'Remm, or •(arefamm; ~T,, Or~:,; That, or, in that. The former is in the firfl: Verfe :,Knowing that C H R I s T, &c. Thelmer,in the Second : For, in that, &c. And becaule we cannot cafl: up aSummt, except we haveapartiwlar; the Apofl:legiveth us a Particular of either: Aparncu: larof our Knowledge,.fl.!!,oadres; whichconfiftetbof thefetbree: '• That chrift• rifenfromthedettd. z. Tharnow,Hediethnot. 3· Thatfromhence-forthdeathhAthn< dominion o-ver Him. All, in the firft Verle. Then,aparticular of our knowltdgt, .fl.!!,oad caNf,u. Thecaufe' of His death,Sin, He died tofinne: • Of His life, Go"' He li-veth to Go n. 3 And boththefe, bur oncefor all. All,in rhefecond Verfe. , . Then followcth our Accompt (in the third Verfe.) Whereinweconfiderfirfi; 1 TheCharge; • and thenthe Difcharge. 1. The charge firft, Similiter &-vo~: !hat we be like to CH Il 1 s .,.• And then, wherein: , Like, indying to Sin; •Ltkt, mlr· 'lling to Go n; Which are the two moulds, wherein w:earero be caft, rhatwemay comeforth like Him. This is theCharge: z. And !all: of all, Themeanes we have to helpeustodirchar,.eit,inthelafl:words.:ill· CH R 1sT h s uour Lo1t v. , ~· "' · · - · · · · Bcrore