Sermon I. Of theRE s v R. RE c T 1 oN. } ·Efore we take view of the twoParticulars; it will not be amilfe to make a little j_ Bibyat -scicntcs,the firll:word:b~caufe It IS the ground ofall the reil:. krmvingtbat ouri(••"''~g ; chriji 'is ri'(en. This, the ApoPle~aith, the Romans d1d : knowmg. D1d knowhimfelfe ~/'~/"'""" (indeed) that chrift was rifen, for he faw Him. Buthowknewthe Romans, or how · Jit1ow we~ No other way than ?Y relatton, euhertheyor we: but yet we, much better than they: If.1y,by relatton,m the nature ofaverdtB,ofthem that hadfeene H1m; ev;ncephai and the twel:'c; which is a full Iury, a~leto fi~de any matteroffad,a~d to ive up a verdiB_mIt. And thatCH a I s. T I_s rifen, IS matter of ~ad. But, tf twe~vewill not ferve m thts matter of fad (wluch mall other matters with us, will) • Cor.•S·q· ifa<>reater Enqueft far,iffive htmdredwill ferve,you may have fo many; for,ofmore t/ 14;: jive /umdred at once, was He feene; 1/Jany •[them then living ready to give up the fame verdi8, and to fay the fame upon thm oathes. . But to fettle aknowl<dge, thenumber moveth not fo much,as thequalitie of the Puties. If they were perfons credulous, light of bekefe, they may well be challen– ged; if they t~ok not the way to ground their knoJvlcdge aright. That is (ever) bell: knowen, that IS moll: doubted of: And never was matter earned w1th more fcruple, and Oownelfe'of beleefe, with more doubts and difficulries,than was this of Chrijls rijing. Mary Magdalen faw it Jirft,and reported ir. Theybelcevedher not. Thetwci that :M,j,,,G.h; wcnlio EmaM, they alfo reported It: They beleevedthem not. Divers women toge- Lu'k.•4·'l· ther faw him, and came and told them : Their words feemed to them "ii@-, an ,idle l 6 · faincdfond tale. Theyallfaw Him; and even feeing Him, yet they dot~bted; Wheti ~~; they were pm out of doubt,and told it but to one that happened to be abfent (it was St. Thom.u;) yqu know,how peremptory he was: ~thee, tmle/Je he might not only fee with hisey_es, but Jeele.with ~isfingers, andP!'t in.hiJ handintoHiJfide•. And all this Ioll..o.•r: bee did. Samt t.Augujlmc fauh well Profeao valde dttbttatmll cflab t!lu,neduhtt4re. •i. tr.r 4nobit : All this doubting was by themmade,tlm we might be out ofdoubr,and ~~' /mow' that chrift iorifen. . . Sure,they took the right courfe to hmti it certainly: and certainly they did know ir,as appeareth. For never was thing knowen in this world,fd conlidemly,conframly, cerrainely tell:ilied,as was this,that C H n I s T i<rifm. By tefrifying it,they got no– thing in the earth. Got nothing~ Nay, they loft by it: their living,their life, all they had to lofe. They might have faved all, and but faid nothing. S<i tertairie they were; fo certainly they didaccompt of their knowing; they could not be got from it: butro their very !aft breath,to the very!all: drop oftheir bloud,bare witnelfeto the rni:h of this Article : and chafe rather to lay downe their lives,and to take :heiicieath, than to deny; nay, than not to affirme His rijingftom death, Aod thus did they kitow,and ~nowing tefrific; and by theirrefrimony came the Romans to their knowing : and fo doe we: Bur(as I faid before)w~,toa much furer knowing than they. For, when this was wmten, the whole world fl:opt their eares atthis report; would not endure; to hearethem; fiood outmamly againllthem. The Rejitrre8ion! why,it WJS with the Grecuns at Athens; x•-.f"'l'&,a veryskorne.The Rejitrre8isn!why,it was, withFejleu the great Roman, ~"'''"·afickneffe ofrhe_braiile, a plainephrenfi~. That world that Aa. 11 . 3,.G. then was, lnd long after,mfuch oppofinon, IS fince come in : and (upon better exa• '1· z~nauonof thematter,fo ll:rangely tcll:ified,with fo~any thoufand lives ofmen (t? Y the!elf\ of them) fad, and fober) bath taken nonce of it, and both knowa.i anil acknowledged the truth of it. It was well fore-told by St. Iohn,h,ec efl vi8ori.z,qtt.e h~:~t:rmdttm,jides veftr~. It is proved true fince: That this faithof ehrifts rijitJg iroh.1..{; _ .~ 1 1 dlde aconquefr of the wholpvorld. So that after all the world bath taken ~now e ~'of lt e k · A dr h · h' s. k . ,w ecometo nowit. n IO,morefulltous thantot em,Ist IS ctentcs nowmg. Nowtoourpartimlars:whatweknow~ ' . : Nn 3 Our