{ Of the R E su R R E c ~ 1 o N. Sermon r~ Ourfirftparticularis: That CH R. Is -r i;rifcnftomthedead.Properly we a The;,,;,• • faid to rifc from a fall: and,ftomde~th, rather~orevive. Yetthev!poflterath~~ lars ~""·j;' ufeth the terme of rifing than revwmg, as fcrvmg better to fer forth his purpofe ~;;j,~J,!: Thatdeath is a fall, we doubt not : that it came with a fall, the fall of Adam, Bur' !b• dt~d, what manner offall? for it hath beene holdena fall, fromwhence is no rifing. Bu~ , ~~ byCH a Is -r srifing,itfallsouttobefall,tharwemayafall,andyetgetnpagaine For,if C H R. I s T berifcnfron;t it,~hen is there arifing_; if arifingof one,thenm a; therebeof another: If He berij"enmour nature, then 1s our nattere rifcn; and if our nature be, our perfonsmay be. Efpeci~llyfeeing (as the Apoflle, in the fourthVerfe before bath told us) He,and we, are ~,;.~o/ot, that is, fografted, one into the other,that He is part of us, and we of Him: So that (as St. &rnardwellobferveth,)Chrijl"' et(i folm refurrexit, tamen non tottu, that C H R I s T ,though He berifenone!y,yet a; is not rifcnwholly; or all,till webe rifen too. He is but rifen in part :aild that Hemay rij"e all, we mull: rifeftom death a!fo. This then we know firft; That death is not afalllikethat ofPharao,intotheSea' llxod.t po: that fimke downe like a lumpe of leade into thebottome,andnever came up more:bu; lon. 1 ., 7 • a fall like thatof Ion,u, intotheSea,whowasreccivedbyaFijb,andaftercajlup 4• •. ro. gaine. Iris our SA v I o ua CH R r s -r • owneSi!IJile•. A fall, notlikethat of the Mmh. a . 4o. A»gtls into the·hottomle.!Jepit,thereto flay forever :but ltketo that of men into thcir Efay•///:'· beds, when they make accompttojland"P againe. A fali,not as of a loggeorjfMe, ~Cor. , 1 _ 36 • to theground, w?ic~where it falleth, thcrcit!yeth fiill; but,as of aWheat-CfrtJe)n: -- - to theground,wh1ch IS qlilcknedandflmngeth "P ~game. The very word which theApojileufeth ('"'8~.;,) imply.eth thetwo latter; iej.' ther of a fall into abedin our chamberpvhererhough we lye (tofee to) little better than dead for a time; yet in the morning we awakeandjlandupnotwithlbnding: ?- Or of afall into a bedin ourgarden; where though the fcedputrifeand come to nothing, yet we looke.to fee it )hoot forth aneiV in theSpring. WhichSpringis(as Tertttllian well calleth It) the very refurre{/tonof the yeare: and C H a I s T s Re· {ttrre{/ion falleth well with it : And it is (faith he) no way confonantto reafon, that man, for whom all things fpring and rife againe,lhould not havehis.Springand riflng too. But, he fi1all havethem, we doubt not, by this Day~worke. He that this day 1oh.! o. 1 s; did rlfe, and rijilfg was feene of Mary Magda!enin the likeneffe of a Gardiner :th~ Cardiner willlooke to it, that man (hall have his!}ring. He will (faith theProphet) llfay ,6, ,~; drop upon suadewlikethedervof herbs,andtheearthjhaliyeeldforthherdead: Andfo, ;ts CH a I s -r is rifcn from the dead, evettfo fi1all we. 1Th><chrift OurfecondParticular is: That as He is ri(en;fo, now Hedieth not; Which is no ""'' di"bnot. idle addition,but hath his force and Emphaji1. For,one thing it is,torij"eftom the dead; Luk. 7 ·' ~·.;:: and another, not to dye any more. TheWiddowes {onneof 'l{girn; the Rulers daught1r J~h·!!·H, of the Synagogut:; Lazartu; aU thefe ro(e againefrom death, yet they died afcerward: But, C H 11 I s -r rifing from the dead, dieth no more. Thefe two are fenfibly different, Lazarm refurrec1ion, and CH a r s -r s : and this fecond is (fure) a higher degree than the former. If we rife, as they did, that we rerurne to this fame mortalllifeof ours againe; this very mortality of ours, will be to us, as the prifoners chain~, beef· capes away withall, by it we fi1all be pulled backe againe, though we lhouldrifil thoufand rimes. Weemuft therefore forife,as CH a r s -r, that ourrefurrec1tonbe 1oh. 1 :,;"il not reditm, but tfltnjittu; not a returning backe to the fame life, but apaffin~ ov:rro a new. Tranjivit de morte advitam (faith he.) The very Feaft it felfe puts us 10 mmde ;Deut:r7-16, of as much: It is Pafcha (that is) thePaf{eover, notacommingbacketothefame Land of .tEgypt: butap":fJin" over to a better,theLandot'Promj/'e ;whither CH H. sr, 1Cor.f·7' lf':d "' ~ 1' 11': ft !{m DN~ Pa!Jeover is paue before us,and !hallin His good time,give us panage a er 1 1 • ~Tjln.~,·~· TheApoftleexpreffeth it bell:,where he f~ith,that C H a I s -r by Hisrifinghatha 1•. lijhedde4th, andbrottght to light lifeandimmortalitie : not lift alone, but lifeand 11 fi" mortalitie: which isthis our fecond particular. J'.ifcn,and rifen to dye no111ore,becau e. l'ifen ro life,to life immortaU, · , JM,