Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon I. Of the R E s v RRE c T 1oN. } _.,..,...ll t the third is yet beyond both thefe:moreworrh, more worthy JThll/lo,. U' hh h 1 · • H. Wh · b" r b<>tctfDrb ourat~ompt: deal at 111mOreaomtntonover tm. ete,aswe_ e1ore 1 ayd,one dwbbatbno thin it was to ri{eagaine, anorherro dy_e '!omore :fo fay we now; 1t1s one thingn 1 t more domini~ dg. another not tobeunderthedo!IJtmonof death _: FordeAth,anddeathsdominim '""b'"'' to ~~0 differe~t rhin"S· Death it felfe is nothing elfe, butthe verie feparaa:e f the life from"rhe body : deaths dominion, a thing of farre larger exrenr. ~o~vhich word (of dominion) the v!pojllewould have us to conceive of_death, as of ry reatLoll D havingfomelargeStgmorte: Even as three feverall times (in the v .- -. ,omeg ' 1 h . 1 'fJ h r "·'4-• Chapter before, hee faith) Regnavit m~rs,ueAt ret~neu;asl ueat . were 10memighty , 7 , t.Monar~h having fome great dommtons underh1m. Andfo1t 1s: For looke how !!, ·manydJ11gm, how manydifeafes!forrower, &alamities, miferies there be~f this mor· tall life; how many patnes, pm~s, {nares of death; fo m_any feverallprovmc~sare there of thisdominion. In all wh1ch, or fomeof them,wh1le_we hve we lhll are un. der the jurifdicHon and arreft ofdeath, all the dayes of our hfe. And fay that wee: fcape them all, andnon~of themhappen to us, yet live we fiill und~r feare of them; _ _ and that is deaths dommion too. For bee IS (as lob calleth htm) Rex pavom, lob •'· '-tl King offeare. And, when wee are out ofthislife too; unlelfe wee percaine to c H R 1 s T and HisRefurreflion,weearenotout of hisdominion neither. For He'O - it felfe is (mmd4 mors (fo _termed, by St.Ioh~J) the[e&onddwh, or fecond part of Apo<.•:~~t deaths dom1111011. • - -·- Now, who 1! therethatwoulddeliretqrifeagainetothislife, "yea, though it ·wereimmortall,eobellillunder thisdominion ofdeath here; ftill fubjeet,llillliab!eto the achesandpaynes, to thegriefes andgripings, to the manifoldmiferieiof this v11le £Jf the/lwlow of death? llutthen, the other, thefccond region of death, the fecond part ofhis domi11ion, who can endure once to bethere~ There they feeke and wilh for deAth,and deathflyeth from them, , · · · Verily, rijingtisnotenough; rifing, nottodye.tgaineisnotenough, except wee may bee quit of thisdominion, andrid of that, which we_either feele or feare,all our life long. Therefore doth thevfpojl/eadde(and fo lt was needfull,heet!~ould) d11th hath no dominion over Him. ~ dominion over Him? No; for Hee, domini~ fn over it. For, left anymightfurmife, HemightbreakethroughfomcWal!,or get out at fome window, and fo lleale arefMrellion, or cifually.come to it ; He tells Apoc:t• 181 them, no: it is not fo. E~ce"clavesmortis&inferni: feehere,thel:eyesbothof - · thejrft a.,d [econdd~th, Which is a plaine proofe, He bath mafiered, and got the tlominion over both death and him that hath power of death, that is thedwi/1, Both ,' are[wallowedrtp in vi{/ory,and neither dwh any morefling, nor hellany moredomi- - ' nion. Sedad DomimemDeum nof/rumJPeflant exitm mortis :but now unro GoD OIIT Loll Dbelong the ij{t~esof death: thekeyesareatHisgirdle;_Hecanktoutasma- l'lll- 68 :••; ny as He lift. · · . This ellate is it,which ~e call~t~, Coron4m vit:l; not_life alone,bu\ theCrow~e of A '••·•· i'Si !ife, ~r ahfe crowned With 1mmunme of feare of any eV1ll,everto befall us. Th1s i> f, . - 1twh1ch(m thenextverfe) hecalleth livingunto Go n, the ellateofthechildre11of Vcr.!!, the refurreflion, to be the Sons of Go D, equall to the A11gels; fubjeel to nopart of deaths dominion, butliving in fecurity,joy and blilfe for ever. · . And now is our particular full. 'Rijing tolifefirfi ; • and lifefreedfrom de.:tb,and fo tmmorta/1; l and thenexemp_t from the dominiun of death, and every part of it ; and fa h_appY_andb~ejfed. Rife agame; fo may Lazar~, or any morcall man doe; that is not :r. Rifea~ame !o life tmmorta/1 : [o lhall all doe, in the end, as well the unjult, as the)uft; thaus not1t. But, rifeagaineto life immortal!,with freedome from all mife· c'llto lrve to, and with G 0 D in ~!I joy and glorie evermore, that is it; thatis a I • T s refit~r~flton, Et 111 (faith·St. A11g11jltne) JPeratalemrefi~rref1101mn, & propter hoc ePo Chrifltantu, Live inhope of fuch arefurreflion, and for this hopes fake, ~arn~~hy felfe as aChrif/ian. Thus have we our particular-of that we are to know: oucA~ CH a I s:r rifen. · ' ~ dnowwe know a!~ thefe,yetdoe we not accompt ouri'elves toknow them per-. · ~n t · ~ fectly