Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

{ Of the RE suR RE c T 1 o. N. Sermon r. fecHy, until! wealfo know the reafonofchem. And theRomans were a people th t loved to fee thegrormdofchat they received,and not the bare Articlesalone. Indce~ it might trouble them, why CHRIST ihouldneedchuscorife.sgaine, becauferhey faw no reafon, why He !houldneeddye. Thecruchis, wecannotfpeakeof rijin well,wirhout mentionofcheterminm a quo,from whence Herofe: By mcanes wher£ of,. thcfe two, 1 C H a 1 s T : dyingand • H~s riftngare fo l.nked together, and thetr Audttes fo entangled one with another, as Jt 1s very hard to feverrhem. And this you !hall obferve, theAp<ifl!e never goeth about to doe ic, but frill (as it wereof purpofe) fulfers one to draw intheotherconcinual!y. Itisnothe~calone,bural! over his Epijl!es ; evcrchey run together, as if he wercloth tomenuon one without the other. And it cannot bee deoied,but that their joyning ferveth eo many great good pur: pofes. Thefetwo, 1 HisDeath,and • Hisriftng, they !hewHis twoNatures, HumA/1 1 andDivine : 'HisHumane nature and weakeneffe, indyil•g, • HisDivine nature and power, in rifing againe. z. Thefe !hew His twooffices; His l'riefthoodandHis Kingdome. 1 His Priefihood, in the facrijice of Hisdeath: • His Kingdome, in the g!orieof His re(urre{/ion. 3· They fet ocforeus, His two maine Be~ejits, I Interitum mortu, •and principium 'Vit£. 1 His death, the death of death; • Htsrifing, the revi– vingof lifeagaine :the one,what He had ranfomedus from; t~1e other,what Hehad purchafedfoi: us. 4· They ferve as r_wo t.Moutds,~heremour hves are to be cafl,rhar thedayes of our vanity may be fa!htoned tothe hkeneffe of the SoN N• of GoD: which arc our two dt<tyes, chat we are eo render, forthofe twobenefits proccedio~ from the cwo offices of His twonatures conjoyned. In a word: they arenorwd\t~ be fundred; for, when they arc thus joyned, they are the very abridgement of the wholeGoj}e!!. "< The e1ufe of Ofthem both then bricfly.0fHisdying firfi : in that He died,Hediedonce tofin: llisdyi•{· Why dyed Heonce, and whybut once I once He diedtofin, that is, fin was thecaufe, 1 ~~sdym~ He was to dye once. Asinfaying,He!ivethtsGoo, we fay, Goo is thecaufeofHis ""' · life: [o,infaying,Hedyedtojin; we fay,.{inwasthecaufeof Hisdeath, Goo,ofHis rifing .. Jin, of Hisfall. And looke how the refurreflion leadeth us todeath;evenas narur~lly clothdeath, untofin, thefling ofdeath. . To fin then He died: Notfimplyco fin; bucwithreferencetous. For, adeath leadcth us tofin;fo dochfincofinners,that is, eo our fe!ves : And fo will theoppofi· tion bemorecleereand full: He!i'Vethtmto Gov;He died untoman. With reference (I (ay) to us. For firfr, He diedrmtouo: and if it be true, that Puer natuo e[lno6i5, it is as crue,chat Vir morttttu eft nohu : If being achild, He washorne to m; becommiog a man, he dyedto m. Both are true. To ru then firfi,He died,becaufe He would fave m. To.fin,fecondly; becaufeelfe He could not fave us, Yes,He could have faved us,and never died for us,exp!enitudi. nepoteflatu, by His abfolute power,ifHe would have taken chat way. That way,He would not; but proceed by way of Itiflice; doe all, by way ofIuftice. And, by/#· .ftice, Sin mufi havedeath; death, or~r death; for thefinwas ours. It was we,that were todyctofinne. Bur, if we haddyed tofinne, we had peri!hed in finne; peri!hed here, and peri!hed euerlallingly. That, His love eo us could not endure: that we !hould fo peri!h. Ther~fore, as in Iriflice He juflly might, He cooke upon Him our debt of loh.•~·!· finne, andfayd (as theFathers apply chat fpeech of His) Sihite abire hos,letthefegoe their wayes. Andfo, thacwemightnotdyetofin,Hedid. Wefee, WhyHedied once. s Ahd&u1 '"'' Whyhill once.?becaufe,oncewas enough,adariferenda([aithS. John;) ad.6o!md£ loh.•·'9·· (faithS. Peter;) adexhA11rienda (faithS. Par<!:) To take aw•y :To Aho!ifb :To dra•v dry, ~~bi;~fi. and utterly to exhauft all thefins,ofall,theftnners,ofall the world. The excellency of His Per(on,chat performed it, wasfuch;The excellencie ofthe obedience,that He per. formed, fuch; the excellencic both of Hishumilitie andcharitiewherewith Heper– formed it, fuc\;J ; and of fuch value everie of them; (and all of them muchmo:e;) as made, that His once dying, was fatis fi•perqt~t, enough, and enough agame: wluch