Sermon I. Of theRE s v R REcTI oN. } which made theProphet call it{opio{am Redemptionemaplenteott< Rtdemptiht. Bur t~~ . Aof/le he goeth beyond all, mexpreffing thts : moneplace tl"< mtn~ <t """"""~'' 1 n Eph ,_ 1 • , atorher·~~ft~iew.r{v&o~v, inanocher 'lfA.iovti.(ro~v : mtrcy,nch, tx~cedtng,graceoverabounding, Eph., s. 1 • ha race jieperjlnom (for fo is """d(pv: }and Jitperftuottn~ en011gh a':dtoffiare; fupeJ:.. • Tun·•·••· flu~~ is (cleerd y) eno11gh and more thtm enough. Once dyutg then, bemg more thJn en. . ough, no reafon Hcfhould dye more than once. That, of Hts dcat!H . . N W O fHislife: HdivtthrmtoGo 01 TheRigouroftheldwbeingfully H•Thecaurc•! 0 I . fl1 b c !! d . 1Sltv,.g. fatisfied by His de•th : then was He no onger JU y, ut wrongru y eramed by death: As therefore, by the po;~et He had, Helayd downe H1s life,[oHetookc it againe, and ro(e againefom the dead. And not on!yrofe H1mfelfe; Bur, m one COilcurrent aC!ion Go o, who had by H1s dearh, rece1ved full famfachon, reached Him (asinvcr~) His hand, and raifcd Him to life. The Apollles word '"'fa,;, in the native force doth more properly figmfie, rayfed6y another, rhan rtfm by Htmfelfe. And is foufed to !hew, it was done, noto'lly by the power of the Sonne, but by rhe 111 i!l, confenr, ~nd co-operation of the Father; and Hethe caufe of ir, whoforrhe over·abundant merit of. His death, and His humbling Himfel(e,andbecomming obediest Piu!.•.s; todeath, even the.death of the Crof{e, not only rayfedHim, burpropter IJDC, evenfor that 9· caufe,exalted Him alf•, ro live wuh Him,in joy and gl ory for ever. For, as when He -lived roman, Helived tomuch m1fery; fo, now Helivtth to Go o, He !tveth in all felicitie. This pm being oppofitely fer downe to the former: livtng, to excludedy. ing againe ; living to God, to excludedeath• dominion, and all t'· 1ngs per,Jimng t') 1 r, For, as with G b D IS life,•ndtht fountame of life, again{! death; I even the fountainp of life never fJil~ng, but ever tcnewing to all eternity:) fo Wtth Him alfo, t<.'orrens Phil.3&.t~ de!tciarum, a mamerwer ofp!ea{ures, evenp!eafurcs_ for evermore; never ebbmg,but ever flowing, to all contenrmenc; agamft the mifenes belongmg todeaths dominzon. And there H~ liveth rhus : nor ~ow, as the Sonne ofGo o, as He Jived before all worlds, bur as the Sorme of"''"' in the right of our nature : roeftate us, in Jife io rhe hope of artverfiM· •10djn the life to come, in perfecbnd full poffeffion ofH~ owne and His Fathersb!iife and happineffe: when we ihall al(olivet~ Go o, and G 0 ~be all in all; which is the higheft pitch of all our hope. We feethen,H:sdying .2nd r!fl11_g-,and the grounds ofboth: And thus have we the tot an of our Smnw, . Now followcth our ai:compt. An 11ccompt is either of what iscomining to nf.; IT.' and thatwclikewdl: or what isgoingfom tu, and that is not io pleafing. Comming tom, I call matter of henejt: GoingfoJittu, mmer of duty: where(! doubr)many ?~'r ~~;·;;.;: :an expectation will be d-:ceived, makmg accompt ro heare from rherefiirrefliimmar~ mi;'·" ·•, tho ter ofbe~efit, only tocome in, where theApojilecalleth us toammpt for matter ofdu. benefit. ty whtch ts to goc from us. . · Anaccompt there i~ growingtous byChrifts rifing,ofmatter of 6en'eft and com– fort: fuch an onetherCJS,and we have rouched ir before. The hope ofgayning a be"t· re~ hfe, whichgroweth from Chrifts riflng, is ourcomforr againfi thefeare of lofing thts. Thus doe we comfort our ielvesagamfi our deaths: Now blef!ed be Go o that ,p.,,q: hath rer;ener•ted tu tD altvely hope, by the rejitrreflzon of Iefru Chrifl : Thus doe we comfort OUT felves againft our friends death; Co~nfort JOllY [<Ives one another (faith ~e Apo~le,) w1th thefe words: what words bee they ( Even thole ofourS •- , T&.r.4.~.s; fo :r? u• m~he GbfPell, Re{urget frate~ tm«, Thy brothrr (or thy Father, or thyfriend) loh.u,, 3 • h. ~ife agame. And nor onely aga10fi death, bur even againfi "I! rhc mJ(rries if · · ~fo 1f~: It was lobs comfort onthe dung-hill: well yet, videbo J>wm in carne mea: :tnda t' Go o tn myjlefh. And not in Our miferies alone, bur when w~ doe well, Iob , 9 ,, 1 ; . fi. oaman refpeel:eth us for it: Iris the .ApoH!esconclufionof rheChapter ofrhe ~e urre zon : Be ofgood cheere yer, tabor veffer non crit intWu in Domino : your la1 Cor r, 1 r · oO!Ii'unottnv . , t' L d lb 11 ,r, n· ·" h , ,. -• ·u.ft All amer~ ':' or : you a have youqeward atthc r~11rreuton I!J t e . .J •. thefe wates, cotnfort 'ommetli unto us by it, · • ' .Bllt