...:3:....9_o____:{::_.__ O.:..IJ_th_e_R_&_s_u_R_R:_· &_c_T_I_o_N_.__Sermon 1; -.or our going• But this ofours is another manner ofacc6mpt,ofduty togo fromus~ . m. fwered by us. And Cuch an one rhere is too, and we mu~ reckon of it. I adde, that 'h'I1>c duty or thiS here IS our firfi accompt; you fee it here called for, tntheEpifiletothe Romant· ~ "&<· the other commerh afrer, in theEpijlle to th~Corinthians. ' In very deed, this of ours is the key to rhe other, and we lhall never finde found comfort of ·that 1 unlelfe we doe fi_rfi well palfe th1s dccmipt here. Itts (Ifay)lirft bccaufeitis prefcnr,and concerneth ourfoulcs,even herein this life. The orher isfu~ ture, and toucherh out our bodies,and that in the lifeto come. It is an·error cert•inly which runneth in mens heads, when they heare of thereft~rreffion to conceiveof it' ~olof.p. as of a matter meerely future, and nottotakeplacetillrhelatterday. Not only Chrift u ri(en, butif all be, as it lhould be, Wee are already rifenwith him, (faith the :Apcx:,,o,G, .Ap'?flle, inthe Epifile this day, the very firfi words of it: ) and even here now (faith St. John,) is there ajirjl Re{rerreflion,andhappie is he that hath hu part in it. A likeer, ror it is to conceit theRefurrec1ion'as a thing meerelycorporal/, and no wayes to bein. cident into the Spirit or Soule, at all. TheApojllehath already given us an/temto rh~ Ch.lp. 4 .,r; conrrarie,in the end of thefourth chapter before: Where heiairh; Herofe agaimfor our Jufiijication: and, Iujlijic41ionis a matter fpirituall: Iujlijcatm ejlffiritu, (faith the 1 Tino.. pi. Apojlle) ofChrift Himfelfe. Verily,here mufi theffirit rifetograce, or elfe neirherrhe lmly,norit lhall there rife toglory. This then is our firl~ acc~wpt;rhat accompt ofours, which prefently is to bee palfed,and our of hand; th1s ISit, whtch firfi wemullrake order for. The Summe or charge of which accompt, is fer downe in thefe words,Simiuttr 'robct~lte & vos: That web.elikeC Ha Is T,carrieHisJmagewhoisheavm/y,aswehave c H JUST. carried rhelmageofrheearthly,. &conformedto flu likenej[e; that what CH~1., hath wrolight for us, rhelike bee wrought in us: What, wrought forus, byHis ftefo; the like wrought in us,by His Spirit, Iris aMaxime or maineground, in all the Fathers,that fuch anaccompt mufi be: The former,what CH us T hath wrought{" us, Deus reputat nobu, Goo accompreth to us: Forrhe latter, what CH a I, Tharh wrought inm; Repnt•te vos, we mull: ac,·ompt to G o o. And,r_hat is,similiter & v1r, that we falhion our [dves like Him. • Yone~. , Like Him,in as many points, as we may :but namely,and exprefly,in theferwo herefetdowne,' In dying tofin, • In living 11nto Go o,in rhefetwo firft: andrhen[e. condly, in doing both thefe, •~«. ~.butonce, for all. Like Him in thefctwo : 'In His dying. For He died not only to offer afocrijhe for us (faith Sr. Paa!) butal[otoleave an example to us (faith St. Peter.) Th]ltexam– ple are wctobe/ike. • In Hu rifing. For He aro[e,notonly that wemighrberegtnt· ratedto alively hope, faith St. Peter : but alfo, that we might begraftedintotheJimifi. tmle of Hu Re[urreEtion; faith St. Paul, a little before, in thefifth ver{e of this very chapter:That Similitudeare we to refemble. So have wethe exemplariepa~: ofborh thele, whereunto we are toframe our Similiter &vos. He dyedtofin, there is our patrerne: Our firfiaccomptjmufi beCompt yourfelvts dead tofin. And that wedoe,when,thereis neither aEtion, noraffiEtion, nor any figne oflife,in us,towArdfin; no more,than in a dead bodie: when,as men cmcijied(which is not only His death, but the kind of His dc41h too) we neither movehand, nor air foot, toward it: both, arenayleddowne, fafi. In a word, todye to fin (with Sr. Paul here)istoceafe.fromjin(wirhSt.Paer, I Pet. 4· r.) . . To ceafe from ftn(I fay) underfianding by fin, not from finaltogether(thatJsa ~igher perfeClion, than this life will bear~)but as the Apofl/eexpo~ndeth hirofelfe, m the very next words, Neregnetpeccatum, that is, from rhedoiiJmtonoffinne, to ceafe. For till we befree from death it felfe (which in this life we are not) wcdhall , not bee free fromfinnealtogether : only wemaycomcrhusfarre, neregnet,_rhat finne reigne not, weare not a crowne, fir nor ina throne, hold no Parliament! wtrhtn lts, giveusnolawes; in aword(as in the fourth verfc bcfore)that weferveztnot. 11 'l Jye, to thedominion offin ;that, by the grace of Go owe may :andtharwemuft~c· ~ ~ompt fo1· flee