Sermon r. Of theRE s v R RE c T 1ON. } 391 He lt.vtth ro God. There is ourJimt!ttude of Hisrefurreflto'!: ourf~conda•- >In livin ,,. com tmuli be, Compryourfelves lwmg tmto God. Now,howrhatls, hcharhalrea- G 0 D. I die~old us (in rhe fourth verfe) even, towalkez~>rmrmejfeof life. Towalke,isro move. movmg is a., 1 taf!M1ton, and arguerh life. Bur, It muft nor be any life; our old will nor ferve; it muft be anew life; r, bur paffc over ro anorhernewconverfanon. Andmawatd(asbefore)to ' ~,0:/ 1~' God (with Sat~r Paul here) is·tO hve ficuwdt~m Deum, arcording to God,mth~: Spirtt (wtthSaincfeter, I Peter 4.6.) And, then hvewe acrordt~g toHtm, when Hts {! ·s our law HIS Word our r~~le, Hts Sons life our example,HtsSpmt, rarherthan ~~r ~wneJo 11 !e:.thegutdeo[ our actions. Thus !hall we be grafte~tnto thefimtlttrdo of lliJ Rejitrreflton. · : . • .. ,\ Now, this Jimilitttde of the Rtjitrree1ton,cal!eth t~ my mmde,.aMtherJimtlttu'do oftheJlifitrreffion, inthis lifetoo, whtch I finde mScnprurc menr.10ncd; 1t fitteth us. well: it will not bcamiffe, to remember you of lt,by the way,Jt will make us the ... beiter willing, to enter into this accomp:· . . At rhe rime that I{aac!hould have bmofferedby hts Father, Ifaac was nor flame: Gcn.u.r: very neere it he was; ther~ wasjire,an~ there was akni[e,andhe w~sappointed ready tobe a Sacrifice. Of whtchcafeof hts, the<.Apojlle, mthe me9t10nof hts Father vfGrahams faith ( Heb. u.) <:Abraham (fatth hee) by Fatth >•J<Ci,.B,;®-, madefl•llac• l!ct.r.u.s 9 ; compt, if I(aac had beene flame, G o ow,uable to raife hnpfrom the dead: And even - .... the dead, G o oraifedhim, and his Father received him,<.."':'~·~~~ in a certaine Jimilitridt, or after .afort. Marke that well :Railing Ifltac,from1mmtnenrdanger of prefentdeath is(wlththe<.Aplljlle) akmde o(Rc(t.rreflton. Andtftt beefo, and jfthe Ho L y G H o s T warrant usto call that, a kmde of Re{terreflion. how call we but on this Day, the Day of the Ji.efrmeflion, call to inlride, and witl;all render tmt~ Goo our unfained thankes and praife,for our lateRe{tm·eflion ''~'''~-,for o11r kiwde sfrefurrellim; Hee not long lincevouchafedus. Our cafe, waslfa.c'scafe, without doubt: there wasfire; and in Head of aknife, there waspowderenou_gh, and we weredeligned all of us, and even ready to befacrijiced, even Abraham, IJ aac, and all. CertainelyifI(aac's were,ours was akindeofre(t~rreflion: and we fo to acknow– ledgeit. vVe were as necre as he; we were not only within the Dominion, but with-_ in thererge, nay evenwithin the verygates of death. From thence hath Go o raifed us, andgiven us,this yeare,rhis Jimilitride of there(urreaion,that wemight,thisday of theRefumaionof His S~n,prefenr him,with this (in the Text) of rijingto anew courfe ~f life. · , And now (to returne to our fa!hioning our [elves,liketo Him,in thefe: )As,there is a death natural!, and a death Civil/; fo is there a·death·morall, both inPhilofopbie, and in Divinitie : and, if a death, then confequently, arifi<rrefliontoo. Every great and notable change, of our courfe oflife,whereby we are not now any longer, the fame men, that before we were, bceitfromworfeto better, or from better to worfe,is amoral! death : A moral!death, to that,we change from; and a rnorallrefar. rellton, tothat wec!J~ogeto. If w~change to thebetter.'that is fins.dtatb: if we a.l– tertothewOife,rhat tsjins refrmeelton : when we commtt fin, we dte, we are dead xn ~n; when we repent, werevive ~gaine: ~vhen we repent our felvcs of our repenting, and r<lapfebacke, then.finne nfeth agame, from the dead: and fo toties qHoties. !'ndeven upon thefetwo,as rwo hmges,rurneth our whole life. All our life is [pent tnoneof them. - t · J. Now then, that we be nor,all our life long,thus offand on,faft or loofe,in /:locfce rAnd '"" out nettle, and in nettle o11t docke : itwillbehoveusoncemoreyet tolookebacke '""[ot.U, upon our fimiliter &vos; even uponthewordip.;,.~, feme!, once. That is, that wee n~t. on~l.Y d~e tofin, and live to Go o ; bur tlyeand liv:, as He did,(rhar is) once for ~a~tw 1{;~1s a~ utter abandoning, ~n•e, ofJinnes dominion: and a continual! con. times ~er 1 mg, xn agood courf~ once begun. Sinncs dominion, it languifi1eth fome•. Grace 1l.~s,1and falleth hapl)' mto a fwouve , but it dyeth not quire, once for all. ' Ittet 1 U[> the eye, and looketh up alirtle, aria giveth fome !igne of life; but never. . '