39Z. { 0~' the RE suR RE c T 1 o N. Ser . ~ ~L never perfectly reteiveth, 0, chat once,wemightcometothis; nom~ morerefurreEfions, ~ut one ! that>1'-!emight once;m~ke an end of our daily comin~~ll rmdtv4tlons!wwhtch we are fof~b)ect: and,once,getpaftthefepangs and qualmes of godlmejfe,thts rtghteor<[nejfe,hke themormngc!Ot<d,whtch ts all we performe: that • might grow habtruate, in grace; radica:i & frmd.ri, rooted and founded in:~~ Eph.p7. 1 •'pp'tl;~'"'"' Jleddie, and i"'P'"" never robe removed! chat fo we might enter into and ~cor.• 5 • u'' pade.;t good accompt, of this ourSimiliter & vos. ' 1. The Dif· • . Aod rhus, a~ewe'cometo the foot of Otlr accom,t, which is our omu~or Chargl;. ::::~~::~1 it. Now we_mull tblilk ofour dtf~l1arge,to goe abom 1t : whtch maketh the lafl: words zniE 5 vs no leffe neceffaiy for us to confider, thanall the refl:. For what~ is it mus,or can we c HRrS T by ou( owne power and vertue;make up this accumpt? We catinot(fairh tbet.Apo: ~·~o~.~5 ~ D. file: ) nay we cannot(faith~e) '':l'iCM•t, makeaccompt of any rhing,n<;> not fo much - as of agoodtholl![,ht toward u,as of our fdves. If any thmke otherwtle, let him but ·prove his ownejlrength alittle,what he can doe,he ihall be fo confounded in it,as he fuall change his minde (faith Saint vfugujline) and fee plainly, the Apojl!ehad rea– fon, to ihut up all, wirh In Chriflo left• Domino noftrg : orherw!fe, our accompt will fiicke in our hands. Verily,to raifea[Ottle from thedeath offin,tsharder, fdrre bar. der,than to rai{e adead body, out of thed"fl of_death. Saint Augry1inehaihlong fince defined it : that Mary Magdalens refurreltzon, mfortle, from her lollglymg deadiN j 8 was a greater miracle, than her brotherLazar/# reftlrrec?ion, char had !yenfomtrfaJ~ in hi> grave. If La::.arm lay ded before us, we would nevec affay to rai{ehimour felves; we know, we cannot doe ir. If.we cannot rai[eLazarm (thatistbeeafietof the twaine) we fuall'never ,Mary Magdalen(which is the harder,by farre)out ofHim orwithout Him, char raifed them b,oth. 1 But,asoutofCn" r s T, orwithontC n.Rr s 1', weecandoenorhingtowatd this accompt: Not,a~compliih o~bring to perfection; but nor doe: not any great or !~h-•1·1, notable fumme of It; bur nothmg at all; (as fatth Sr. Auguftme,upon Sine me nihil poteft# facere.) So, in Him, and with Him, enabliQg ustoit, wecanthinkegood thoughts, fpeake good words, and doe good workes,anddye tofin,and liveto Go n, and all: Omniapo/[tem (faith thevfpof/le.) And enable us He will, and can,as not on. ly havmgp.ff'ed the refurreflio;,, bur being the refrimc1ion itfelfe ; nor onely hadthe J~•!·•f, ejfefl of ir in Himfelft; bur, bdng rhecar~[t'of ir; to su. So he faith Himfelfe: I am the refurreltion, andtht life : therefurreltion, to them that aredeadinfiwne, roraife them from it; and the life, tQ them thatlive rmto Go n, toprefervethem,init. Where; befides the two former (• the Artideofthe refr~rreltion, which we are to /mow: •and the Examp!eofthe re{urreflion, which we are to be like:) wecomero the notice, of a third r&ing ; even avert11e or power flowing from chriffs reflmeE/i. on, whereby we are made able to expreffe our Similiter & vot, and to paffc rhis·our llCCompt, efdyingtojinne, and living to G o o.· It is, in plaine words, called (b¥the ~~·J·!o· ApDflle himfelfe)-virtmrefurreltionis; thevertueofC n RI s T srif'urreEfion,iOaing from it, to us: and he praierh that as he had afaith of the former, fo he may have a feeling ofthis: and as, ofthem he had acontemplative ; fo he may of this havean experimental!knowledge. This enabling vercue proceederh from Chriffs refltrreilten. t~·!·t~· For; never let us rhinke, ifin the dayes of His fleth, rherewent vert/le out, fromwm the veryedge ofHt4 g4rment, to doe great cures (as in the cafe of thewoman wrth the hlondy ijftte,we reade: )but th<!t,from His owne felfe, and from thofetwo moll: pnn· cipall :llld powerful! actions ofHis owne felfe (His ' deathancl ~ fejimeelion) rhere iffueth adivine power : from His death, a power working on theoldrnan(or jlejh) to mortijieit ; from Hisre{urreltion, a power working on thenew man (theSpirtt) ro qr1ickmir. A power, able to roltbacke any jlo1uofan_evi!lcuffome, lye it never fo heavy on us: a power,abletodry ~pany ijft~e, though lt have r.unn~ upon us trvtlve yeare long. · ;.c~'·~·!! And tl11S power is nothing elfe, but that divine quality ofgrace,' whiehweere· ceivefmm Him. Reoeivdtfro!llHim we doe cmainely; (onely let us pray, anden· devour