Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon r. Q f the R. E S U R R E C T l 0 N. } 393 -~~~---. devoureourfelves, thatl~ercc~ive it not in vain~·:·) theHoly cbojl, by w~i~s to fieQ 1 andbloud unknowne, tnJJmmg tt, as abreath,.dtfltllmg tt,as adc1v; dcrwmg_ 1 r, as a fe-. cret injlflence,inro thefotde . For;•fPhtl•fop~tegraman111VJ{\bleoperatton 111 us;tothe leflia!lbodies. much better may we yeeld tr, to Hts etcrnall Spmt: whereby fuch a ~ertue, or brca;h, may ~roceed from ~t and bereceivedofus. . . · . Whichbreath, orSpmt, .sdrawcnmbyPra7er, and fuch other cxerct[es ofdcvon– ononour pares: and,on Go os part,breathed m,by and wtth the Word'.(\yell thereforetermed by theu1p<iflle, the Wordofgrdce. ) And (Imay.,fufcly fay tt,wtthgood Albo. p.; warrant) fi·om rhofe wordsefpcctally and chtelly.; lyhtch (as HeHunfelfe fattb of them) are spirit and Life : eventhofc words, whiCh )oyned ro theelement; make the Ioh.G.G;. bldfed Sacrammt. . There was aood proofemade of it, thisday. Allthe way, did He preach to them, till they ~ameto Ema/#;andtheir hearts were hot >vithin them(whichwas a good :)but theireyes wetenot opened, but at the breaking ofbread; and then they were: Luk.14.jt. is the belbndfurcll: fenCe (we know) and therefore moll: to be..ccomptei of. There wet4l, andrhcr~wefee ; T".ft andfee, howgraciotu the Lord u. There we are P6l.l4.8. . made todrinkeofthe Spirit: There our hearts areftrengtheneddndftablifhedwithgrace. ~~0'-''· '3· There is thebloudwhich {hallpurg'e our confciencesfrom dead rvorkes,whereby we may li:b.;:;:: die tofin. There, th~ bread ofGo o,which !hall endue our foules with muchftrcngth; in them, to livw nto Go o,yea, to liv<to him continually; for Ioh. 6 ·H· · anddrinketh Ilis btotld, dwellet!J in Chrift, andChrijl in him: not Ioh. 6, s6; for a time; but drvelleth contint~alty .And,never can wemore truly '""'·'"' Lt.>mso lefu DominonofJro, as when we come new fror:n that hol; is in tu, and we in liim, indeed. And fo we to make full accompt, ""'""" "L' as afpectall meanes, to further us to make up our Eajlcr-dayes accompt, a good part of our Charge. In C" R r s T, droppmg upon us the · of His grace. Inle{ I#, who Wtllbe.rcady, as omSA v 1 o ua, to(uccour andfupport us, with his Auxiliumfpecidte, His fpeciall helpe. Without whi£h aflift– ifig us evengrace it felfe,is many times,faint and feeble in us :.And both thefe;becaufe He isour Lord, who having come, tofavethat which was loft, will not fuffer that to be loft, which He lmhfaved. Thus,ufing His owne ordinance ofPrayer~ oftheWo;d, and Sacrament, for our better ~nabling todtfchargcthls dayesdury, 'vca1all (I trull:) yeeld up agoodaccomft, and cele~rate a goodFeaft of His Rejtwrec1ion. Which AI- · mighty Go o grant, &c. [\*] Oo '.A s :ER...: