Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

394 A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE · rHE KINGS MA– lEST IE AT VVHITE-H ALL ON the V. of llpril, A. V. M n c vI I. bei11g E AS T E fJ?...-'D A I. (\") I C 0 R. Chap. XV. Ver. XX. Nune autem C HR 1s Tu s refurrexit a mortuis primiti~ dormientium. 73ut, noUJ iJ CHR Is Trifen from the dead; .andwas mttdethe firfl fruits of them t~atJleepe. E fame Apofile,that,out ofCH a 1sT sRefor· reflion taught the Romans marrer of duty ; rhe fame here, our ofthe fame refr~rreflion, teachcrh theCorinthians matter ofhope. ThereJiHJilittr6· !; vos, by wayofpatterncroconformeourfelvesro ~hi. J.> •• Him in newntjfeof1i{e : Andhere,{imiliter&vos, in another fenfe,by way ofpromife; that fodoing lhall hereafterconformeus toHimfclfe;ch,ngc vile bodies, and make them like Hisgloriom That former is our firfr refnrreflion,fromftn: larer,ou~>fttondrefurreflion,from thegrave: reward ofthat.In thar,rhc rv;rke whatro this, our rerVRrd, what to hope for. Thefe two, Labour and Hope, theCh11rch joyncrh in oneAnthemeroday, her iirfrA#thcmc. They fort well; and being fung rogerher, make a good harmony. Bur, that ll'irhout this; labour without hope, is no good mufike. . To rife and roreclaimeourfelves, from a finfullcourfeof!ife, wehave!ongli· ved in, is labour (fure) and great labcJUr. Now, labour, ofit [dfc,is aharrhun– pleafant thing ; unleffeir bee fea[oned withh~pe. I>e6et, qttiarat, in(fe arm (fa1rh CJI•P·~··-~· the<:Apoflle}abovc, at the IX. chap. in.thcmattcrof the Clergies mainrenan~Je