Sermon z,, OftheREsuR RE c r r oN. } Hethatplorvu mujlplorv in hope: his plough will nmgoedecpe elfe; his ftmowes will be out thallow. Men lbay trame to themfelves what fpe!culauons they pleafe; bur h A iflles faying will prove true : fever hope from labo,r, and you mull: looke for :a~ouf0 and labourers accordingly; fieight and thallow (Go o knowerh.) Labour then leades us to hope. . fi ll 1 1 1 rr; ~ The Apejlfe [aw this; and therefore 1s care u ,w 10m 1e t ms pre eth to newne!feof life, and the/ab~!lrtherefore, to ratfe forthem, and to fet before them matter of hope. Hope, here m tlus life, he could fer them none. They were,as he was himlelfe, at quotidte mmor (Ver.3I .) every houre, In danger to bedrawen to the blocke. Ir mull therefore be from another; or at leall,as the Text 1s, by ah6peof being rellored to life againe. . Invas rhe1r cafe at Cmnth, herem tlus Chapter, pbinely; Ifwe mull die tomorrow, 1f there be all, that thall be~omeof us,then letru Vcrr.p; t4t and drinke while we may. If we be notfure of another hfe, let us make fure of this. .Bur, wh~nin thefequclc of the C iuprer,he had /hewed there was refloring; andchat lo fure he wa; ofit,that he falls to infult overrhel,ll in thefc tcrmes,rheygird up their Ioynes againe, and fall to :heir labours afrefh,as knowing,their labour thould notbeinvaine int!JeL o" o. Thts hopeleades us to ourrdl:onng. Vcrf. u. ou'r reftoring is bm a promife, jhafl bee re~ored : that necelfarily referres toa 3 Party that is to make it good. Who is that~ C Ha 1 s T : C Ha I , T u Eo;clcf.9+ 011, /;ope. Why,hope u joyned to the living (faith the Wile-man:) CH 1t Is T is dead ; 611ried, !aft Friday. IfHebe our hope, andHe bedead; our hopeis dead too: And, ifour hopebedead,ourlabour will ?ot!ive long :nay, both are buried with CH Jt~Sl' in His grave. It was the1rcafe this day that wem to Emar« : fay they (fuppohng Luke•4,~,; C HR I s T to be dead) nos autem fPerab<~mH<, we were once in good hope, by Him, that is, while Helived: as much to fay,as, now He is in His grave,our hope is gone; we are even going toEmaU<. But then after, as foone as they faw, He was alive againe, their.hoperwived; and with their hope, their labour: and prefenrly backe againeto Iem(alem, tothe Lords worke, and badeEf/Jat« farewell. So He leads us eo tabour; labour, tohope ; hope, toourreJforing; our refforing, to Chrift, who, as He hath re!tored Himfe!fe,willm1ore us alfo to life. And this keepes •us from going to Emaw. It is ufed proverbially ; EmaM lignifiethapeople forlorne: all that are ac · f}trabamH<, have!oft their hopes ; are faid to goe thither: and thither we lbould all / 4 go~, even roEmal(4, but for the hope that breathesfrom this verfc: without which, ' it were acold occupation to be a Chriftian. This then isthc,hopeofthis Text, fPes viva, jjes beat<~; worth all hopeselfe what~ l foever. All hopes elfe,are but fPes fl'iramirem, hopes, while we breathe: This, isjjes <xpirantium, the hope,when wecan fetch our breath no longer. The carnal! man,all · ' hecanfay,is,dumJjiro,jjero: his h~pc is as long as his breath. The Clirillian afpi- . I mh br~her ;. goeth further (by vmue ofthis verfe) and faith, dum cxpiro. ffero: his Iob :s. •7; 1· ' hop~ fatles h1m not, when his breath f.1iles him. Even then (f.1ith Job) repojita eft / . mJim•meo; this hope, ,andonely this, islai~ up in our bofome: that though ourhfe be taken from us ; yet (1n C Ha I s T )we, tort ; and 1t, to us, ll111l be reftoml agarne. . Our cafe is not,a~ theirs th~n was: No perfecution>nor we at qr<otidte morior; and therfore.'no: fo ftnftble oftillSdochme. But yet,to themthat are daily fallin<> toward dea,h ;r. t [;1: . dT p d "' h ,r,mg o 'Jttsagoo ext: era vemure notwhenwearewellandingood e~lth ; but the houre is comming, when we th~llleave catchin<> at all other hopes, ':hallf~~2oldonely b)l this: in horJ mortu,when.all hope,fave thel10pe ofthis verfe, th r, h 1ake us. Sure lt 1s, under thefe very words, are we \aid into our graves, and £i e et e aftwordsthatarefaid over us astheve;-ylafthold we have · and wetheroretoregatdthemwirhiob, and lay th~mupinourbP[omc. ' • ThereisinthisT , tall the A t ext, :t Text, and an 1 Expofition. 1 • The Text, we may well nge sTex\ :for, from them it camefirll:. 2 • The Expojition is SaincPards, 0 o z Thefe