~_Mlt. :t8.6. ~Luke J6.r.. Luke 1.4. 6. II. { OftheRE suR R E c T 1 oN. Sermon l. Thefe words,C H ll I s T iuifcn,werefirftuttered by anAngell,this day,in the s" 1 cher; All the • Evangelifts foteflifie. 0 •PU • This Text is a good Text, bt~t reacheth not to us, unleffe _it be helped with the v.tpoftles Expojitton : and then 1t wtll. The Expo(ztton 1S tt, that giveth us 0 hope,and the ground ofour hope. CH R I s T is rifen,[aith the Angel!.- Cu R 1 , ur thefirjlfmits, faith thev.tp•Jlle. And, markc well that word firj! fmits ,. For ;, that wora, is our hope, For, ifHe be as thefilj'lfruits in His rijing, His rifing~~ft reach to all that are ofthe heape, wher~ofHe. is the {irjlfmits: This is our hope. 1 Ill. Bur, our hope mull: hav.eareajim (fatth Satn~ 'Peter) and we beready !Vitf;it. b The ~ H~~'; ,l ;~ ~· hopetbat hathagr~and (fatth Same i'attl) thatts, ' .f]esq11~ non confo.ndit. Havin •Rom. 5 . 5 • then {hewed ustbts hopehe lhcweth us the groundof tt. Thts: That, m very cquirf, we are to be allowed to be refloredulife, the fame way welo!l:tr. Butwe!oftir by man: or, to fpcakein particular, Byv.tdam, we came by our attainder. Mee: therefore, that, by man (and ro fpeake in particular,) that, by CH RI s r we ·come to ourrefloring. This, is rh'egro11ndor fub!l:ance ofour hope. ' I V. And rhus he hath fet before us thisday,lifeanddeath, inthemfelves and rheirtl~ fes; two things,thar,ofall other doe mo!l:concerne us. Our lafl point lhall beroap– ply it to the mcanes, this day, offered unto us coward therejlormg m to life, i. The Tt~t. Cbri{IJsrifttt. Chlp.IO.f. !io(cl t..Jf. Vcrrc •'9. J8• . '7· ~': Tiaq.t6. THe doCl:rine ofthe Refurreaion, is one oftheFormdalillns,[ocalledby rl1eApoftlt; Hebr.6.I. It behqved hnn therefore(as a sktlfull worke-man) to fee it furely l~d. Thar,is !Urdy laid,that is laidontherocke :and the wckeisChri.Jl. Therefore,hel~d it onChrijl, by faying fir!l:, Chrijl u rifen. Ofall rhat be Chriflians,Chrifl is thehope: bur, not chrift every way conlidered; bur,as rifen. Even in chri.Jl,un.rifen, there is no hope. Well cloth the Apoll!c begi~ here: and,whenhe would open'to ii< &gate ofhripe,carryus toChrijls SepulchcremJ~; to fhewus, and to heare thev.tnge/1fay, He i; rifen. Thence afrerto deduce ;IfHe were able to d<Ye rhus much for Himfelfe, He hath promifed us as nmch,and will d()( as much for us. We jhall be reftoredto life. Thus had he proceeded, in the fou'te verfesbefore, deffmaive. 1 Miferable isrhar man, that either labot~retb, or faffmth in vAine. >Chriffianmen feeme to doefo, and doe fo, iftherebeno ether lifobt~tthW. J There is no other life but rhis, iftherebeno Reft~rrellion. 4 There is no 're(urrefllon, if C ii R I s T be not rifen; for, oursdepen. derh,on His. And now heturnerh all aboutagaine. Butnow(faithhe) 1 C i!" sr iJ rifen• .• IfHebe, welhall: l Ifwe lhall, we have (as Saint Paul callerh ir) abkf. fed hope, and fo a lifeyet behinde. + Iffuchhopewe have, we, ofall men, labournot in vaine. So,thereare fourethiAgs: 1 CH RI s T srijing, >our rejloring, l oufhopr, and 4 ourlabMr. All the doubt is, ofthetwofir!l:: The two other willfollowof 'thcmfelves. Ifa ·rejiorlng; wehavegood hope: ifgoodhope,ourlabourisnotloft. The two firlt'are in the fir!l: :the orher,in thela!l: words. The fir!l: are ;ChrijliSrift~; the lafl,,veJball be reffored to'life. Our endevour is, to bring thefetwo together: But firfl, to lay tirecorner-Hone. . , ·cfirifll< rifen, is the AngelsText: A part ofrhegreat my.flery ofGodlineffi ;whtch, as the Apofllefaith,was feet\ ofAngels,by themdelivered, andbeleevedonby thenm/J• .f!.!!:_odcredibileprimtw;fecitillu videntittm certit11do, pof/. morimtittmfortiwdo, }~mcrtf di6ite mihi facit credentinmmtllltttldo. It became credtble at fir!l:, by the mtatniJ 0 them thatf.iwit; then, by theconffancyofthem that dtedfor confeflion oftt; andbJ 0 ._us now, the hugemultitu.deofrhem, thathavc a[\(! doe beleeve it, makerh tt mdt i'~;