Sermon z. Of the R R suR RE c Tr oN. } ~97 fo;lf ir be nor crediblc 1 how is it credible,rhat the world could belecve it'! the world (l fa )being neitheren)oyned by aurhomy,n01 forced by feare,nor mve1gled by al– l . yents. but brouohr about by pcrfons, by meanes leffe credrble, than the thing it [ef[;.' Gat~aliel [aid,Ifit be of Go o, it willprevaile. And,rho~gh we cannot a.rgu~, . all chat bath prcvailcd,1s ofG o o :yet, rhus we can: That whrch hath beenm1~hn- All. f ·l7• 1 · u<:rned and weakely purfued, and yet prevailed, that was ofG o o cerra~nly• .{;~;~hich ~11 the Powers ofthe earth foughr, bur could not prevaileagainft, was fi·om Heaven certainly•. Certamly, CH R r s Tu rifen: for?ma~y.have nfen,and life up themfelvesaga1nllrt,but all are fa~len. But the Apsjl/cfarth, rt rsafoundatton s that he will nor/ay tt agame ; No more will we, but goeforward, and ralfc upon rt < And fo ler us doe. . c H A I s T is, rifm: Suppofe, He be: what then ~ Though C HR I s T s rifing: did no way concerne us, or we that ; yet ' firft, in that a0l1an, one of ou~· owne fle0 1 and bloud hath gonen fuch a victory, even for humamttes fake : ' Then, m that, onethat is innocent, bath quit Himfelfe fowell,for innocepcies fake: l Thirdly,inthat HeharhfPiltda common enem1, foumities fake: _4 La!Hy, in that He bath wiped away · the ignominie of His fall, w1th theglory of H,s riflng agame, forverttteandvatours fake: for all thefe, we have cau[e to rejoyce with Him. All are matter ofgra~ tulation. .\V )' theApoJileisabout a furt-her matter : that Text (thn.Angels Text} he f:tw; n;. , wrne,furrherrhan I havefa1d. Well may we congratulate Him, The Apofi111 all: bur, otherwile it pertainestous, C H·l\ Is r it rifm. The .ApoHt. ~?J'~'!'s-r, rh,erefnre PrltPir<further,telling us, That CH RI s T d1d rhus rife, not as CH RI sT •nht fir{l CH R 1sT t+eftrjl fruits. CH R l s T :Jrifen,andinriling,bccomethc fr•m, : rifm,and fori(m: that is(ro fpeake after the manner ofmen)thatthere is in HR r s r a double capacity•• one,asabodynaturall,conlideredby Himfelfe,withour any relative refpect unto us, or ro-any: <In which regard, well may we be gla-d,as one llranger is for another, but otherwife Hisrifingconcernes us noi at all.) • Then, He harh a fecond, as a6ody Politike, or chief~ part ofa Company or'Corporati– on,that have to Him, and He to them, a mutuall and reciprocal! reference: In which re!peer, His reft~rreaion may concerne us,no leffe than Himfelfe:It is that, He giveth usthefirft Itnnof,in thewordPrimiti.<; thatCH 1\ I s r in His rifing, commeth not to be conlidered as aTotumintegrale, or body nawrall alone; as C H1\ 1 s T , onely : bur(that which makerh for us) Hebath bclides anorher capacity,that He is a part of acorporation, or body, ofwhich body we are themembers. This being wonne; looke what He hath futfered or done, it pemineth to us, and we have our part in it. : You !hall finde (and, ever when you 6ndefuch wordsmakemuchofrhem) Ms,mlf C" RI s r calleda' Head ;aHeadis a part: CH 11 Is T called ab Root,aRootisapart: tbtwbolt. , and here CH R I s T calledftrjl fruits, which(we all know)is bur a part ofthefruits :cphcf. H~· burahandfull ofaheape,~ra fheafe; and referreth to the reft ofthe(ruitJ,as apart,t~ ilpo,.u.• ·• the ••hole. So that,there IS(m the Apojlles conmpt)onem4Jfe or heape of all mankind: ofwh1ch, ~HR Is T is the.fir.flfruits; we, the remainder. So as, by the ofthe body,all Hrsconcerneus no leffe; than they doe Him: whatfoever He did He did to ou~b~toofe. DieHc,or rift; we h:LVe our part, in His deAth,and in His Re{urrellio», anAa :why~becaufe He is but the ftrft fruits. . p . nd~ •f Hewere but Primm, and not Primiti.t dormie11tium, there were hope. Por. h ""'"' 15 an ordinal/ number, and draweth after a f'econd a third and Go o knoweth ow many B r h . ' I' } ' n ifl h. ur,• mt at word,tberc be anyfcruple.(as,fometime it is,v!ntequem rh~; fl,rfiat er,thanpojl quemefoalius)ifno more come but one: all the worldknowes, · hoeJ" '"' 1 " 5 but apan of thefruiu: th~re arcfruits bdidc rhem,no man knowetb. wmany. ,