Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

~:lptrz (or !f>e "'"'le. J,.:fit.zj.lO, -·· . :1 '· .!4· Ofthe REsuRREcTION. Bur, that :which is more; The jirft fruits is nor every parr; but futh apan repre(enteth the whole, and harh an operative force over rhewhole. For the bette; as derJbnding whereof, ~e are to have recourfe to rhe Law, to the very inftiturio:n– firll: beginning of them, Levit.33.1o. (Ever, rhe Legall ceremony is agood key tot~t EvangeticA!t myflery.) Thereby we!hall fee, why Sr. Paul made choice of the wo:d ftft ftuits,to expre!fe himfelfe by: that he uferh verbrem vtgzlans,awordthat is awak (as Sr. Areguftinefaith)or (as Salomon) awordupon his owne whedc. The Hed,orrb~ root would haveferved: for, if the headbca\>overhewater, rhereishopeforrb• whole body :and if rhe Root liave life,rhebranches !hall nor long be without: yet, he~ refuferh rhefe, and others that offered rhemfelves, aac! chooferh rather the termeof firft fruits. And why fo ~ Thisveryday(Eaflerday)thedayofCH a Is TS r;fing, accordingrothH"'' is the day orfeaftofthe firjffrttits: the very Feaftcarriethhim torheword ; norh~ could be more fit or feafonable for the time. The day ofthePafion,is thedayofthe P'!/Jtover; and C HR 1sT u ou~ Paffeover: the day oftheRefurre8ion,isrhedayo[ thcfirftfruits; and C HR' s T1s our firft frutth. And this terme thus chofen,youOul fee,there !Sa very apt and properrefemblance betweene there{tmei!iQnand it. The rite and manner ofthe fir.ft fmits,rhusir was. Vnder rue Law, they might not ear of the fruits ofthe earth, fo longastheywere prophane. Prophane they were, unrill theywerefacred: And, on this wife wererbey facred. All thelheaves in afield (for examples fake) were unholy. One!heafeis taken out ofall the relr,which fheafe we call rhefirfl fruits. That,in the nameofth~ refr,is lift up aloft andj/Jalcm~oand fro,before the L oR o, and fo cunfecrated. That donelnot onely rhejluafe fo hfred up, was holy (though, that alone was liftt~p)buuU thejheavcs in the field wereho.ty,no le!fe than it: The rule is,Ram. u.x6. Jfthefofl frt<its be holy, allthe lttmpe u fo too. And rhus (for all the world)fareth it in theRifurref1ion. We wereaUdead(faiththi u!lpo11le; )deadjheaves, all. one, (and thatis CH 1t r s T) this day, rhedayofjrfl fr~~its,was(in mannerofajheafe)taken out ofthe number ofthedead, and inthenam: .ofrhe reil:, lift up from the grave (and inHisr!ftng, Hejhooke; foreherewasagreaz Earth-quake:) By vertue whereof, thejirf/fmits being rell:ored to life, all rhe reftof the dead, are in Him entirl~d to the famehope; in that, He was notfo./ift u; forHim, felfe alone, but, for us and mour names : Ancl {o the fubll:ance ofth1s Feaft fullilltd in C H R I s T s Rcfttrreflion. Nor; o/rh• • Now, upon this lifting up; ·there enCueth a very great alteration~ ifyou pkafe io ·~···~"'·J!f. tnarkeit. Ir was even now, CHar s,T isriflnfromthedead,:thejirftfi'ttits (irfrlould ~~7 ~:;,,"P· be,~fthe dead, too; for, from thence He rofe ; it is not fo, but, the jirft fruitJ) oftlmn thatjleepe: that, you may fee, theconfecrationhath wrought achange. A change,and a great change(certain!y)to change "'4''; into "'"'~"'~'-t"''a burial/place,imoac~mlft1J, thatis,agrearDortor: Graves, intobeds; Death, into fleepe; Deadmen, inromen laiJ ~~ ~!~· d~wne to take their reil:; a refr, ofhope; of hope, torifeagaine. 1 f they '""",""""-· doe well. And, (that, whichlyethopenin theword) Dormientium, the very (m>eie enloJ; ded, in the wordjirftfmits : Either word alfordeth comfort. For, jirftjr11its im~ly fmits: And fo we, as thefrrdts ofthe earth, falling, as doethe graines or kernellslll· to the grou~d, and there lying to all mens feeming, putrified, and pafr hope,yet 011 1 .fudden, agamft thegreat Feaft offirft {ruits,fhooting forth ofthe groundagame. The other ofDormientium, thevfpoffle letteth goe, and fall:ens on this offruits~ and fol• .loweth it hard, thorow the reil: ofthechapter : !hewing, that theri(tngagame ofrhe :V~!• J~: fruitJ fowen, wouldbenole!feincredible, than the Rejierreilion, but that, wefwrfo, every yeare. h Thefe twowords of • jlcepingand • (dwingwould bclaid up well. Thar, whic ~s{Vf!tn, rifeth up, inthejfring:,th~r,whichjleepeth, in themorning. So