Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon 2. Ofthe R E su R R E c T 1 o N. } ofthe change wrought in our nature; that_fea~ ofjir.ft fruits, bl:' CH " 1 s -r ottrfrfi ji its Neither pcnlh ·neJther that, wh1ch ts fowen, though It rot : nor they that ~: , ~hough they lye a;dead,forthe time. Both, that lhall fpring, and thefe .•~ake, wdt againe. Therefore,as menfownot grudgmgly: nor lye do•vneat mght unwilling– ! . no moremufl we : feeing, by venueofthls FeAft, we are nowDormientts, not ~o:tui : now, notas(/Mes, but as fruits ofthe earth : where<;>f, one hath an annuatl, the other, adilf!'na/1refttrreflion. This, for thejirjifrusts,and the change by them wrought. 399 There is aaood analogicor correfpondence, betweene thefe, it carinot be denied. lit To this quefli'on,Can one mans refurrection worke upon all the reft ~ it is a good an- The t"•nd'!! fwer, Why notaswellasone lheafe, uponthewholeharveft ~ ThisSimileferves 0 "'""''' well tojhew it: iolhew, but not prove. Symholi,;a/i Divinity is good: but,mightwe fee it in the rationali,too~:Wemay fee it in the caufe,no le!fe : in the fubftance,a11d let; thecetemony goe. This, I call the Groundofour hope. · . Why (faith theApoHle) lhouldthis?fthe firft.frsits feeme firallgeto you~ that hy one mans refumfl•sn, we lhould rife all, feemg by one mans death we die all? By one man (faith he, Rom. 5.11.) ftnne entredinto thew~rld, andbyfinne, death: to' which finne we were no parties, and yet we all die, becaufc we are ofthe fame nd· ture, whereofhe, rh~ lirfi perfon : Deathcame fo; certainely; and it is good reafon, life lhould doe folik~wife. To this que!lion, Santh~ r7furreCl:ion ofone,a thoufand fixe hundredyeares agoe, bethe caufe ofourrijing? tt IS a good anfwer, Why not,' as well aHhe death ofone, Jive_thoufand fixe!"'ndred,veares agoe, be the caufe ofour dying~Thegroundand reafon IS, that ~he~e ts hkeground and real'on ofboth. The wifefi way it is (ifwifedomecan contnvett) that a perfon be curedby t.Mithrid~te made oftheveryflefh oftheviperbruifed, whencethepoifoncame, thatfo, thac whichbrought the mifchiefe, might minifier alfo the remedie : Themofi powerfull way it is(ifPower'can effect it)tomakeftrengthappeareinweakene/Je; and that He that overwne,OJOuldby the nature whichHe·overcanie, befwalloVJed"Pin villory. The befi way it is(ifGoodnef!e'will admit ofit)that as, next to Sathan, man to man oweth his deftruetion ;fo, nextto Go n, man to man mightbe debtor ofhis recovery. So, agreeableit is to the Power, Wifulome, andGoodneffi, ofGo li, this; the three AiterJ~ !Juwofthe BlefledandGloriotu Trinity. And,let Iuftice weigh it in her ballance, nojufl: exception canbe taken ro it, no not by lufrice it felfe ; that, as death came, fo lhould life too : the fame way at leafi. More favour for life,ifit may be: but,in very rigour,the fame at theleafi. According then to the very exact rule ofInftice,bothareto be alike: If,byman,one ,byman,the other. , We dwell too long in generalities : Let us draw ncere to theperfons themfdves; mwhom , we lhallfeethis better. In them, all anfwer exaCl:ly ; word; for word• .Adamufa/le~, and.becomethefljl fruitsofthemthatdie: CH a 1 s "t ilrife~t,and became thejtr.ftfrmts ofthem that live(for,rhey thatjleepe, Uve.) Or you may (ifyou plea(e)keepe the fame terme,in both,thus: Adam is ri(en (as *eufe to call rebellions, rifings:) He did rifeagainfi Go n,byEritisjicut Dii: He hdd never fallen,ifhehad Gm.'J,'fi not thus rifen : His rifingwas hisfall. hWe are now corn~ to .the two g;eat Perfons, that aretheiwo great Autherf, of · t etwo great matters 111 this world, life.anddeath. Nor, eitherro themfelves, and ~?neelfe: but, as twoHeads, two I1oots 1 twoftrfi fruits; either ofthem in referenceto D~~ ~o:npafny,whom they fiand for. 1\nd ofti1efe two,ho!d rhe tw0great c~rporat~· C · 0 them that dte; they are Adams,. •ofthem,thatjlee•e and lhall rife; that, IS . H&Isrs. r 0 J 0 ~~~e thento the particular : no i'eafon in the world that Adamstrdn{greJSi· ·that 1 (;u H raw usal.l downe tq death, onely for that we wer~ ofthe fame ~ump ; a~d, 11 1 s 1 5 roghteoufnef!e 1hould not be availeable to taife1.1s up agame to J,ife, Oo+ bdn~ '•.