Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

sCor.zJ.4. «Hc:b.9.t7, bGcn.3 tg. L<v.lS.r. !lont. tt.t6, Ofthe RES u a a E c T 1 o N. Sermon 2, being ofthe famej!Jeavu, whereofHe thefirft .fmits, no leffe than b~fore of <..A da Looke tO the things, D"th and life: Weakene(Je is the caufe ofdeath: Raijing to /f, commeth of Power. Shall there be in Weakmef!e more firength to hurt, rha;i~ Powerro doe us good~ Looketo the Perfons,Adamand C u R Is r :!hall Ada~n,bem but alivingfet~le, infeel: us more firongly,thanChrift(a quickning.JPirit)canhea!eus ag gainu Nayrhen,u1damwasburfromtheearthe.rthly; C HR I sr the Lordfro~ heaven: Shall earthdoethat,whichheavencannot undoe Never: it cannot be,Sicut, Stc: As, and So: fo runne the ter'mes. Butthe u1poftle (in Rom. 5· wherche ·handlerh this very point) tels uspbin. ly, N~n.ficut ddi811m,ita & donum; Not, M thefat~!t,f•the GrAce: Nor,as thefaH,r 0 the Rifing: but, the Grace and the Rijing, much moreabundanr. It feemethto be, A pari; it is nor; indeed: Iris undervalue. Great odds berwcencrhe Perfons, rheThing 1 thepowers, and themeanesof them. Thus then, meet it 01ould be: Let us fee,how i; was. , Hereagaine, the very rermesgiveusgreatlight. Wee sre (faith he) reJforrd: Rejloringdorh alwaies prefupl'ofe an4ttainder going before ; and fo, the rerme, fign~ ficant : Forthe nature of attatndens, One per[on maketh the fault, but it tainl!h~ btoud,andall his poJferity. •TheApoftle faith,that a Statlltethere is,AII men}hollltlrh· But, when wegoe tofearch for it, we can fi.ndc none, but b Pulvius, whereinonely u1damis mentiooed,andfo nonedte but he. Bur, evenbytharStatute, deathgoerh over all men ;even thofe (faith Saint Paal) th•t havenotfinned after the lil:emannerof tranfgreJSiono.fAdam. By what Larv; By thelaw ofAttainders. TheRdforingrhen likewife was to come, and did come afrer the fame manner a 1 did rheatrainders: That, by the firll:; this, by the fe~on.1u1d.rn (fo Heis calledver. 45.) T11erewasa Statute concerning Go os comrnandemems, quificeritea,viva in ei< : He that obferved the commandemenrs, lhould live by that his obedience, Death lhould not feaze on him. c H 1\ I s T did obferve them exaClly ; there• fore lhould not have been feazed on by dMth : lhould not, but was: and that feafure ofhis, was deaths forfeiture. The by;ng ofthe former StutttteonCH 1t 1 sr, was the utter making it void. So, Judgement was entrcd, and an ACl made, C H R 1 sr lhould bereJ!ortdto life. And becaufe, He c~menot for Himfdfe, but for us, and in our na'me and !lead; aid rcprefent us, and fo, we, vermally in Him, by His reJforlwg we alfowere reffored: By the rule, (t Primiti.e, & tot•con.JPer(tofie: as the Firft(ruifl goc,fo goeth the !Vhole lumpe: as theRoete,rhe branches. And thHs we have gotrro life againe ofmankind, by palling this Ac1of Reffttution, whereby we have hopeeo be reffored to life. · Bur, life is a terme of latitude, and admitteth a broad difference, which itbe· hooveth us much that we know. Two lives there be: In the holy Tongue, the word which lignifieth life, isoftheduallnumber; ro01ewus, thereisadualityoflives: rhar,two therebe, and, that we to have an eye to both. ,It will helpe ustounder/bnd our Text. For, allreJfored to life.- All, to one: not, all to both. The Apojlledorh after (at the 44· Verfe) expreOy name them both. • One, aNatura/llifc, orlifeby the livingfo,.le: The other,, aSpiritr~a!llife,or life by thequickening Spirit. Ofthe(e two, Adam (at the time ofhis fall) had the firfi, of a living (011ie; was feazed oftt: and,ofhim, all mankind, chrift and we all receive that lift. But, the orherrhcspm· tuall(which is thelife chiefly to be accompted of) thar, he then had not,not aCtually; Onely,a pollibility he had(ifhe had held him in obedience,and !ValkedrvithGoo)to have been tranflatedto that other life. · For,ckere it is,thelife which Angelsnowhve with Goo,and which we h~vehope and promife to live with Hirn,afrerourroJiorrng (when we )ballbe equal/to the Angels:) tbatlife,Adam at the time ofhis fa!l,wasnot poffeffed of. Now Adam, by his fall, fell from both, forfeited both elhtes. Nor oncly that hee had in reverjion, by not fulfilling the conditions : but, even that 'heehad in cfc too. For, eve11 on that al[o didDeAthfeazeafrer Etmortull-l ~· .