Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon z. 0 f the R. E s u R R E c T 1 o N. } CH R 1 5 r in His rei1itution,toall the fonnes of Adam, to all our whole nature,re– lloreth the former : therefore, all have imerefi, all Mall partake that life. _What v{um aCtual!yhad, we fl1all aCtual!Y. have, we fhall all b,e rei!ored. To rcpatreour ture He came. and rcpatre tt Hedtd : all1s gtvcn agatnc really, that m<Adam ~:ally ;vc loll, r~uching Nature. So that, by his fall, no detriment at all, that way. b :t: , " The other,the fecond,that, He refioreth too;. ut, not P""''-' c~<e (as the rormer) to all. Why~ for, vfdamwas never f~azed oftt ; ~;>crformed not that, whereunto the po!libility was annexed; and fo hadmtt but adefezczble effate. But then, by Hts !feci tflgrace by afccond peculiar aCt, He hath enabled us to attaine thefecond ell:ate alfo' which 1 vfdamhadonely areverlion of, and loll:, by breaking ofthe condition whe~etoitwas limited. And fo,to this fecond, reJ/ortd [o many, M (to ufethe Apo– Jllet words in the next vcrfe) are i11 Him : that is, fo many; as arc not oncly of rhac 111 arfeorlumpe, whereof Adamwas rhefrft fruits (for, they are imerdfed it1 the for· 111 er onely) butl that are bclidcs, ofthe mva m•jferjiowhereofC H n I s T is the Primiti... . •They that heleevei11 Him (faith Saint Ioh11) them He hath enabled, b. to them He ~J~t~~~~. fi•thgivm power to hecomethefonnes of G!) o : to whom thcrefore,Hefauh,thts day . rififg, Vado·adPatremveflrum : In which refpeet, th(! <.....!pgft!ecallethHim' Primo-•9• gmitum intermtdtos fatres. Or (eo makethe .companfon even) to thofe that are (to fpeake, but asd E[ay fpeaketh ofrhem)Hr; chtldren; Behold, I andtiJechtldre'! Goo dEf'Y s ...t~; hatbgiven me. The terme, Heufeth (Htmfelfe) ro rhem, aftc~ Hi~ refurrc~wn,and callcth themchddrm : and they, as H1s fam1ly, rake denonunatton ofH,m, chri• j/iAns, ofC HR IS T, . Ofthefctwoliver,thefirll: we need take no thought for. It !ball be,ofall; the un-· ju[l;as well asthe ju[l;; The life of the living {ot~le, fhall be toall refiored. . All ouc thought isto beforrhelatter; how ro have our pamnr~ar fitpcrnaturall hfe: for; -that is indeed toberejloredto life.for,t!J.e former, rhouglm came the name oflife,yet it may wdl be difputed,and is,Whetherit be rather adeatb,rhan a life; or a life,than adeath~ Alife it is ; and oot a life : for it harh no living thing in ir. Adeath it is 1 and nota death: foritisanimmorcalldeath. Bur, moll: ccrraineitis (call r life ifyou will) they that !ball live that life, !ball wilb for death, rather rhanir, and ( this is the mifery) noc havetheirwiaJ: for, death fhall flie from them. Out ofthis doublelife, and double rejloritJg, time grow two Refurte1Jions, in the worldtocome,ferdowne by ourS A v r ouR in expreffe rermes (lob. I 9.) Though both be to life, yet, ' that is called condemtJatiotJ tojr~dgnmnt : and • this one]y, to li<b.r l.J f; life. Ofthefc, the Apo.f/lecalleth one, the better rcft~rrec1iotJ: thebetter, beyond all comparifon. To arraine this then, we bend all our endevours; that, fccing rhe other will come ofit fe!fe, without taking any thought for it at all, wemay make fure of thiS. , Tocomparfcthatthen, wemuftbei11 CH R x s T: So, it is in the next verfe : T9 ~ •ll! but toevery one in order ; C H RI s T firll:,the firft fruits,and thetJ,they that bein Htm. Now, He is in tu,by ortrjlejb; and wei11 Him, by His Spirit: and it ftanderh with ;i" goodr~afon, they that berlj?ored to life, fhould be reftored to the Spirit :For, the sfipmt ts the caufe of all life; bur fpecially, oftheSpiritt~alltife, which weefeeke or. H" . . ' . b uSprrztthenwemuft poffeffc.o!Jr felvesof: and we muftdoe that here: for, it is "j C. ut onehand thefame (}irit, that raifeth ourfoules here from the death ofjimJt, and rhe ltom.s. ••; am~fwal~_!hall raifeour bodies there, from theduft ofdwh. ~. B tch Sptrzttherets firft frmts (toretaine the words ofrhe Text) andafirl4 ~e e· ut,bthcfulneffe, in this life, we !hall never attaine : 0 ur hi<Thelt degree (here) •s Ut, to cofthenu b 1 fl h { h " · .. S · rittH tn er, w 1ereo 1e was, t at aid, Et 11os abmies prnmtz,u pz- Rom.!.•t: )'hefe firft fruits we fir[l; receive in our Baptifrne, which is to us, our Lavt>· 5' of Tit-H.. •\ .. '"[