{ Ofthe RE su R R E c T 1 o N. Sermon 2• ofregumation, and ofour ren~wing by the bgly Spirit ; where we are made and confc. cratePrtmttt£. 6 But,asweneedberefloredtolife, fo (Idoubt) hadweneedtob,rdloredror! 1-lob.... r. Spirit, too•. We areatmany loffes of it, by this finne that cleavethfofifl ro us 1 doubt, it is with us,as with thefields, that we need a feall: ofjir.ftfmits,a day ofc~ fecration,every ycere. By fomcthing or orher, we grow lln-hafloiVed, andneed tob: confecrate anew,to re-feize us ofthejirftfruits oftheSpirit againc. Arleafl,ro awak' it in us, as Primiti£ dormientirtm,atleall:. That which was given us,and by the fra ~ ofour enemy,or our owne negligcnce,or borh,taken from us,and/oft,wc need to. hat~ • TI>ei r.rg. reffored, that which we have q~mched, to belight anew: that whichwe havecafii~ Epher.f.Jf. to adeadjleepe, awakedup from it. Iffuch a new confecrating we need, what better timerhan the fcafl offirflfrrrits/ the f~cring. timeunderrhc Lan> ; and in the Goffell, the day oft:: H " r s ,. s rifing, ourfirftfrutts,by whomwe are thus cor.fecrate. The day wherem He was Him{tlfc rell:orcd to the perfedionofHis.::piritnallli(e (the life of glory )is the bell: for us rob.: rell:ored in, to thefirft fruits ofthat fpirituaHiife, the life ofGrace, ' I V: And, ifwe askc, what !hall be_our mean'es ofthis confecraring ~ The u 1, 1 1fe rei. The applicaIcth us(Heb.ro.J o.Jw~arc fandtfied,by theolilatto_no(the body of I n , us ;Thar,is t>on ofthcs•- the bell: meanes to rell:oreus to that life. He bath fa1d It, and fl1ewed it Himfdfe·He <r•ment. that weth tMe,jhalllive by c..:Me. The words fpoken concerning that, are bothSpi,l lob.6.f 1 . 11 ndLife; whether we feeke fortheSpmt, orfeeke for Lt(e. Such was themeane~of ~ i· our death, by eating thef8rhiddenfruit,thefirftfruits of death: and fuch is themeaoes ofourlife,byeating theftejh o(C H R r s T,.thejirftfmits oflife. And herein, we !hall very fully fit, not the time only and the mcanes, butalfo the manner. For, as by partakingthdklh and bloud, the fubll:ance ofthe fir.fl L.AdJJ/1 we came ro our death ;fo,to life we cannot come,unleffe we doe participate with rh; flefhandbloudofthe(econdyf'dam, that is C"' RI s T. Wedrewdeathfromrhe firll:, by partaking the {tthffance : and fo mull: we draw life rrom the fecondby the fame. This is the way ; become branches of therine, and partakers ofHis nature, and fo of His life and verdure both. So, the time,the meanes., themanner agree. What letteth then, but that lVC, arth~ time, by this meanes, and m this manner, make our felves ofthat confferflon, whereof C H R r s T isour firft jr11its: by thefe meanes, obtaining the.fir.ftfmits of His Spiril, ofthat quickening Spirit, which being obtained, and ll:ill kept, orin default thereof, flill recovered, fhall here begin to initiate in us, thefir{!fmits ofour reflitution in rhis life, whereof thefulnefTe we !hall alfo berefforedunto, inthe life to come : AsSaint M. J. ~,; Petercalleth that time, the time of there!firing of allthings. Then fhall the f•l~effi be reftored us too,when G o o !hall beallin a/1; not fome in one,and fome in another, but all inall. ..Atq; hie eft vit" finis, pervenire ad vifamcujm non eft finis :Thisis the end ofthe Text, and ofourlife, to come to a life, whereofthere is no end. To which,&c. A SER~