Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

{ A SERMON PREACHED BEFORE THE K.]:J(!}S MAIESTIE~ - AT VV H I T E-H A L L, on the XXVI I. of Marcl>, A. D. Mocvttt being EASTE R-D A r. MARKE Chap. XVI._ cum tranlitfet Sabbatum, &c. E R. t. .And, 1libm the SabbatlJ day YJJM p'!ft, Mary Magdalen; andMary the mother of lames, and Salomeboughtfweet oilltments, that they mig};t come, and embalme Him. . Therefore, early in tbemonzing, the frfl day o{tl1e weeke, thy came uilto the Sepulcher, 'll1hen the Sumze JVMyet rifing. · And tbejJaid 011e to another, WboJhafl role M away tlJii ftone from the doore ofthe Sepulcher ~ . Andwhen tl1ey looked, they fow, that theftone 'll>M rol/eg away <for, it IllM a ruerygreat one.) . ·":,., . 5· So they went into tlJe Sepulcher, and {11111 ayoung manfitting at t1Je rightfidei clothed in along "~~?bite robe :And tbey were afrt~id. 6. 'But,befaid unto tbem,'Be not afraid: Yeefeeke I E s us oF N A z A RE T ' · ~hiciJ bath beene crucified,He is ri[en,He ii not bete: !_Behold the p?ace,wheri they put Him. 7· 'But,goeyonr way and tell E'll.Di(ciples,andP E T E R, that He Jvi!lgoe be;, fore you intoGalilee: t11erefhall yee fee Him, M He (aid untoyo11. HE Smmmofthis C:o,Uellis, a Gofpell .' that is, amejfageQ( T6eSHmmej good trdmgs. In ameflage, thefe three pomts fall in naturally : 'The Patties, to whom it is brought. • TheP~rtie, hy whom: l And, TheMejfage it felfe. Thefe three: 1 TheParties, to 1~ whom; Threervomen; thethreeMaries. 2 ThePartie, by whom;anAnge/1. 3· TheMeffageitfelfe,the firll:newesof II. ~ H " 1 s T srifingagaine. Thefc threemake the threeparts III. •ntheText. • TheWomen,• TheAngel!, l The Mejfage. , The fiii h 1 Seven verfes I have read yee. The fir!t foure concerne the TheDivifi•n; t ,tle Angel/, The two laft,the'Ange/s meffage. In theWomen,wchave' · to