{ OftheRE suR R E c T 1 oN. Sermo n to confider : •Themfel<~es,in the firll: : • Their IQIIrney, in the {econdand third: and ; Their Sttcce(fe,in thefourth. In the AngeU,• the mahnerofhis appearing, • and oftheir ajfeEiingwithit, !nrhec.Me/[agt, Thenewes itfelfe: I. ThatcH RI s T urifen: z. Thatlleis gone beforethem to Gdilee.- 3• That thtrttbey {hallfee Him: 4• Peterand all:!· Then theite& dicite~ ~be Commijion. Ad_ E.vangelizandum; not toconcealethcCego~ newes,bllt publdh 1t : Thefe,roH1s DlC!pks:thcy, to others,and fo to us: we to day andfo to the worlds end. ' J~ r A S the Tdrtlycth,tlie part that firCr offcre"th it felfe,is Theparties,to whom thism~. The Nrtit< to fifage came. Which were three Women·. Where,finding that Womenwererhdinl ;;om: that hadnoticeofC H.. I s T sRe[ttrrrEiion,we ft.ay. For,irmay feemefiiaooeth 1; "' TYom<n. palling by all men, yea, the ApoJiles themfelves, C n a I s 'r \Vould have Hi~Jif.,. reEiion firft. ofall made knowne, to that fex . 1\eafons are rcndred, ofdtvers diverOy, We may beboldroalleagethat, theAnge//doth, in the Text (Ver(.5.) rosmimqil<l~ Heb. 6,1o; ritis,for theyfought C n RI s T. And,C n R 1 ST is notunrighteom, toforgtllbcworke and labour oftheir Love, thatfeekeHim. Verily there willappeare moreLove,anJ.t 4• ho11r in rheteWomen,thaninMen; even the Apof!les themfdves. At this time (l\no 1 v 1 1 nor,how)Menwere then becomeWomen,and d1danimosgerere m11lie~res ; and W1mc~ • '" ' 0 ·'9· were Men : Sure, the moremtinly,ofthe rwaine. TheApoftles, they fare mured up,.U • the doom fttjl about them ; fought not, went not to the Sepulcher. NeitherPetmlut Iou.~1·' r,•o. loved Him,nor Iohnwhom He loved; till thefeWomenbrou9htthem word. Butthefe Women (we fee) werela.ll: at His .P4f!i~n, and firll: at His Re;11rreEiion : ll:aid longefiat that,came foonell: to th1s: Even mrh1s refpect,to be rcfpected.Sure,as iris Caidofthe Law, Yigilantihm& nmdormientibmf~ccimitlex ; fo may it no leffe truly be faidof theGoffe!l. We fee it here,ir commeth not tojleepers ; but,to them that aremvakt,and up and about their bufineffe, as thefeWomen were. So that, 'there was a capacity ill them to receive this prerogative. }.rary Magda-_ lt'thfirfi:. Col.,.u: Luke _1$. 2.S. Before I leave this part,of;heParties,! may nof omir, to ~bferve Mary Magdak11 place, and precedence among the three. All theFathers are careful! to note it. That iheft.and~th firft. ofthem: F.6r 1 irfeemeth no good order. She had had(wendtvils in her (as we find, Yerfe 9) She had had theblemilh to be calledPeccatrix,asone famoll4, andnotoriok in that kinde: The other were ofbonell:report, and ncverfofiai· ned: Yet, is lhe namedwith them. Withthem,we.rcmuch : bur, not only wirhthem; but before them. With them : (and that is to /hew, C Il R I s T s Refttrrec1ion (as well as His Death) reachet!\ toSinners ofboth fex~t:, And that, toS}nncriofnute, no leffe than rhoferhat feeme not to have greatly goHe aft.ray.) But, beforerhem,too; And that is (indeed) to be noted; that 1 lheis th~ firll: 1 itHhelill:ofWomm: and Saint Peter, in that ofmen. Thefe two : the two chicfeSinners, either ofrhetrfix. Yet they, the two, whofelots camefir!l:forthinSorteSanEiomm, in partaking rh~ l,lewes. And ti)is, to /hew, that chiefc Sinners (as thefe were) ifchey carry them· fclves,as thefe drd, lhall be at nololfe, by theirfaU : !hall not onely be pardoned,but honoured (evenashewa~) likethefe, wirbf/o!a prima, rhejirftroheinalltheWara· robe; and ll:and formoft. .ofall. And, itis nor without a touch ofthe formerreafon; In that, theSinner, afcer his recovery; forthe moft.partfeeketb Go o more fervrnt· ly : Whereas they, that havenotgreatlygoneaft.ray, are but evenfo fo; if"''"' 1 ' itisall. And with Go o, it is a Rule: Plm v.alethor~tfirvensqulmumnftstepetJf An hower offervor, more worth than amonth oftepor. Now, fucb was Mar) N•f ~alen; here,and elfe: w:h~rc, vouchfafedtherefore this degree ofexalcation,to be '1:ft