Sermon 3 ~. ___0--''f---::th-:e_R-: ' _E_s--:-u_R-:-R----:E-;:: , c-=T~I O=-N_. ::------4-_6_5_ ~ay robethejrffofthe three, thatheardfiril: of His riling: Yea (asio ·s ,, frytre; ," re;' thatfirft[awHimr({enfromthedead. ThisofthePcrfons; 'am.>ps. ,t:henmttJ, er,. A d · . becaufe their endevoters were fo well liked as they were (for them) , . ,. nd now!, y this fo <>reat honour, it falleth .next to confider, what tl10fe were: Thdrjwncyl counte won 1 b l 1.k d h 5 r. k· and rhercin h beioalikcpreparedmaypartak~ne 1 egoo ap. o,Jce mgasthey, we rhcirlove ' ~~t\fi~de as~heydid. They ~vere fourein number: Thefiril: and third in the I I; the · • {i Yd · rhcl•and thelaft, 10the! I I. verfe. All reduced (as C H R I s T reduced l econ -' 1 M 0 •ry Maqdalen) toDilexit mteltt)m,theirgreatLove; Ofwhich rhefe foure t Jem,m <> 'f/ b .r. .. . d C . ) h fi befourcDeiiJonflrations: Or(1 ove eanEnjlgne,asltlsterme, ant.z. t e oure , . co!ormofit. I. That theywent tutheSeptelcher: Love, to onedead. z. That they Cant.~·'!• 6oughtprecio~«edours; Love, that is Mchtirges. 3• That out they went early, before hreakeofday: Love, that will takepaines. 4• That for ~ll the }lone, il:ill they went on: Love that will imffle with impediments. The firil:1s conflant, as to the dead. The Thefeco~dbounteo~~<,asatexpcnce. Thethirddiligent, astpbetimes. The !aft re. [oi 11 te berhejlone nevcrfo great; According to which foure, are thefoure denomi. nario~s of Love : 'Amor, it morte, whenit(urvivethdeath .- • When it VtlyethdeArely, it is charita<: l When it lhevr:et? ~11 Diligence! it .is Dil~Efio: 4 When it goeth per saxa, whenftonescannot fray tr, lt 1s Zel.U, whtch IS fpeCtally feenc,mencou..,tri..,g dijfic 1 ,lties. It /hall not be amilfew touch them feverally: it will ferve to touch our .Love, wherherours beofthe fame a/fay. The lirft rifeth outofthefe words[Theywent to the Sepulcher:] And (irideed) ex •Lovetothc totljitbffantiJ, out ofrhe whole :rext. For, for whom is all this adoe; is it not for doad: A•"'· C H R I , T ~ Bur, C H R I s T IS dead, and6urtedthree dayes fince, and this is now the third day. What then, ~hough He be dead; to their love, He liverh fiill: Death . may take His body fromthm eyes, but fhall never take H1s remembrance, from their hearts. Herein is Love, this is rhe firfl: Colour (faith a great Mafter in that faculrie) Fortisjimt Mars, Love, that deathcannot foi!e: out continueth to thedead, as ifthey Cont.S• .s'. fiill were alive. And, whenif.1y the dead, I meanenot fuch, as the dead h:uhlefr behinderhem (though that be avercue,andBooz worthilyblejfedfor it,that [hewedmef_ . . rietothcliving for the deads fake:) Bur I meane performingojftmoflove to thedead R••hu~. himfelfe: To_fee, he~ave a Sep,.lcherro goero: Not, fotoburyhis friend, as he · would bury hts Affi.bemg dead. ~o f~c, he_haveone: and~ot thither to bring him, and there to leave !urn, and bury h1m and hts memory both 1n a grave. Such is the worlds love. Salomonfhewethit, by the LionandtheDog. All, after CHRIsT Ecckf9.: living: Bm, goe to His Sepulcher who will, not we. The love that <>oeth thither that burieth not the memory ofHim that is buried, is Love indeed. "' ' · . The journey to theSeptelcher is iietamoris: had it beene but tol,zment, as Uriary >Lovetlrmm' <JUagdal"! to Laza~m (John I r.) But then, here is a further matter: They went to ~:,~~;!;~' •nnomt Hm1. That, tsfet for another figne: that they fpared for no colr, but bo 11 ght Iohno.ft. prwom odor~rs wherervtth tdembalmt Him. , r. ,TogoeroannointCa RI sr,iskincily :ItistornakeHimCa 1\ Is T that b' Annomted. Thac terme refcrrech pnncipally, to His Fathers annomtmg (I gr~nr:) ht, whaufwe alfo annomt Hun, w1ll Hctakeit,inevill part~ Cleerdy,not: Neit erqutckc,nordead. Nor qutcke, Luke7. Markez4. Notdead'! rhisplaceispW"· Luke7:o{<i. nam ;ltlstheend of'heir journey, to doe this. He is well conten~ to be their and o~r ~~>rh•t· f . Annornted. No· l" }' h 1 . . ' 0 C ' ' CJ.lS at ers on y: yea, lt IS a way to make Htmchrifftlm noJfmm, '" H • 1 s T, tfwe breake 011r boxes, and bellow ourodorers upon Him. a lirr~~tToinnomt Htm, And, not with fomeodde C4ftotntment, lying by thern,kept lit 4 dortbo ong 1 ;tbothrowaway upon Him: But tob,.y, to beatcoff, to doe it, Emf'- 115>Wlll 011ghtodo 11 rJ. , Pp 3· This