Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

"3.LODt,th:tt ttt~·cs paintt: DilefliD. 0j the R E su R R E c T 1 o N. .Sermon , , )' 3• This to doe, toHim alive;that would they with all their hea-rts:~ cannot be, to doe it to Himdead, rather, than not at all. To doe it, to wha;foe is left us,of CH 1l Is.,., to that to do~ it. ver. 4 To embalme CH R In, CH R I • . .,. dead, yea, though.others had done· before: for,fo is che ca[~.lofephand Nicodemu; had bcil:owedMyrrhand41oh to th~: end already : _Whar then ~ chough they had done it, it is not enough : nay, it is no. thmg: Nay, 1fall the world ihould have donnt, unlelfe they m1ghccome withtheit odo;ers and doe ittoo,all were nothing.In hoc eftcharitM,herein islove,aod thisafignt oflt. A figneof1t every where elfe;and, to CH R Is.,., a jigne Jt was. Indeed fuch a figne there was ; but it is beaten downe, now. We can love C H. R I s .,. ,ah(qt~ ! 10 ;, and {hew1t fome other way well enough. It Jheweth, our lo·ve 1s not Chartt.u, no Jearelove;but VilitM, love, thatlovesto be at as little charges with C u n rs r as may be: faintlove. You Jhall know it thus: Adhocjign11m(e contrahit, At this ftgm itjbrinkes; at every word of it. 1. They hot~ght; that is charge: we likcic nor ·we had rather heare potttit vendi. 2. odorm : what need •dottrs l An unnecetfary charge: We likenoodottr, but odo.r Lttcri. 3· To Cbrifl: Nay, feeingit is unneccf. fary, wetruft, C!Jriflwillnotrequire ir. 4· Nor, alive; but efpecially, nor d:ad: There was muchadoe, whileHe lived, to get allowance for it.; rhore was one ofHis owne dpoffles (a goodcharitable man, Pater p~~t•pemm) h~ld it robe _plaine perrlitio. y er, to annointrhe lwmg ; that, manydo_e: they can annomr us agame: But,to the dead, it is qmtecaftaway. Bur rhw, 1f it had becnr told us, He isemhalmedalrwly. why rhen, take away theirodottls;that, at no hand would have beene endured. 1h~ {heweth, oudove is not CharitM. Bur,fo long as rhis is aGoffell,it Jhall foundevcty in our care, That the b~tytng of odo!frs, theemhAlmingofwhatfoevcr is left usofChriff, is (and will be frill) ajigne ofour lovingandfeekingHim, as wdhould: Though, not heretofore, y~r now: Now efpecially, when rhat objection ceaferh; He t5 embalmedenot~ghalr.eady. I;Icwas ( mdced) then; bur, moft ofthe :Myrrh and Aloes is now gone. That, there IS good occafion lefr, ifanybedifpofed in /,pc Jign 1 Jignari, with this figne tofeale his love to Chriff, anew againe. From this oftheir expence [ Charit.u] we palfe to the third, of their Diti~ence [ Dileaio:] fer downc(in verfez.)in rhefewords Very early,&.-. And burm~rkc, howdiligent the HoLY GHosT is in defcribing their di!tgence. ThevtrJJirflday oftheweeke: The very firftpart ofrhat firil:day, InthemomiTJg: The very firjl6otJre of that firft part, Very early, beforetheStiRne WMttp, they were up. Why goodLord, what need all this hail:e ~ CH • Is.,. is 6ft enough under His flone. He will not run away Cyeemay befure:) ye need never breake your f1ecpe, aod yec come to the Se– pt~lchertimc enough. No; if they doe it not, as foone as it may be done, itis no– thing worth. Herein is Love, Dilec1io: whofc proper figne is Diligentia, in not flip– ping rhc firil: opportunirieoffhcwing ir. They did it not, at their leafure: they could not reft, they were not well, till they were about it. Which very fpecd of theirs doubletl1 all the former. For Cito (we know) is efteemedas much, as Bis. To d'ocit at once; is to doe it more than once, is to doe it twiceover. Yet, this we mull: take with us ["""J"o/#',~•ccJ.n.] Wberefalleth a very firangc thing: that, as we have commended them for their quicknelfc, fo muft we now alfo forrheir f1ownelfe (out ofthe very firil: words of all: ) when the Sabhath waspaff, then, and not till then, they didit. This diligenaoftheirs, as great hail:e as it made, frayed yer, till theSabbath werepaff: and, by this meanes, harh two contraryco~mendations: 'One, for the!feed; •another, for theftay of it. Though they fame would have beenetmbalming Him, as foonc as might be, yer not with breach of the Sabhath : Their dzligence leapt over none of G o o 's Commandements for hail:e. No, not this Commandement, which (of all other) the world is boldefi with; and, if they have ha,il:e,fomewhat elfc may; bur furc, theSabbath fl1allnevec fray them. TheSahbatb, they il:ayed: for then,G o o il:ayed them. But that wasuo foonc1~ over, but their diligenceappeared il:raight. No other thing couldilay them. · Nor